When my buddy came down to visit, we played a ton of Underworlds. Like, a ton. And now he's coming down for a visit in a couple of months again, so we have to get more painted! With almost all the Shadespire warbands painted (only the Skaven and Vanguard left), we needed to get to some Nightvault going. Luckily, I haven't built most of those, so it was an easy choice. Remember that focus on Chaos?

Eyes of the Nine
This warband, dispatched by one of the nine Gaunt Summoners, is trying to build a magical portal back to its own realm to escape from the clutches of Nagash's punishment. Their magical nature gives them some fantastic abilities, including the ability to summon a Blue Horror back to the battlefield each round! They have speed, but very little defense and so depend on a ton of glory-point grabs based on objective points and casting spells.
The warband's leader, Vortemis the All-seeing, is a wizard with the ability to cast spells and even has a range 3 spell attack. His melee weapon is no joke either, with a range and damage of 2 and rolling 2 dice for hammers! With four wounds and a 4 movement, he's definitely the most powerful member of the band as far as causing damage. He also has the ability to use an action to summon a Blue Horror daemon back to a starting hex, so he's got some definite utility on the battlefield.
Those daemons, including the Blue Horror and Brimstone Horror, are very fragile, but they have the ability to cause a great deal of damage very quickly. And killing the Blue Horror spawns the Brimstone (which attacks twice in his activation), allowing Vortemis to summon the Blue Horror right back! It's a really neat little 'evolution' mechanic that really capture's the magic.
I can't say that this warband is very confusing. In fact, it still fits very well with the theme set by Garrek's Reavers, another Chaos Warband. But it is interesting to see the Tzeentchian habit of fire and range where the Reavers are all about smacking and slashing.
I really love the wife's work on this band. She didn't think that she would do it justice and still pulled it off amazingly. I keep trying to tell her that she's better than she thinks, and this warband (not being bones or boo-sheets) proves it. And I really want to play them now too!
Let me know what you think or what you're working on in the comments below. As always, happy hobbying!
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