When it comes to collecting useless things like toy soldiers, fanboys such as myself can go overboard and, yet, never finish. It became a priority of mine to find a 'finish line' in order to feel better about myself. How did I resolve this? Let's look at my massive 40k collection and focus on that.
Of note and one of many ways to go, GW makes ridiculously fantastic models. Not only are the models brilliant, but they're usually modular and come with a gazillion options in the form of bitz. So if I concentrated on whatever looks cool, I'd never be finished. EVERYTHING LOOKS COOL!!! Okay, almost everything. I figured I'd throw this in there so people don't start the whining...

What makes 40k unique to other strategy games? That's easy- 10,000 years of history and storyline! This is the part of the hobby community that chaps my hide. The community has become overwhelmed by the tournament scene, and this level of 'fluff' has become a very disregarded aspect. I spent years trying to allay the fears of old gamers who whined that the codices (during 3rd and some 4th edition) lost this fluff and GW was killing their own background. Lo and behold, the great company started pumping out massive codices again which just happened to include a great more storyline and background details than even the vaunted 2nd-edition books. And yet the community now takes to pulling the newly-released codices from the shelf, flipping to the back third where the army lists are, and then making decisions for purchases based off the percieved effectiveness of the list. One minute, I'm recieving incessant whining about the lack of fluff, the next I'm seeing the same crybabies just ignoring it. You can imagine my anger...
A Space Marine Chapter is split into Companies, with the main Battle Companies serving the main role within the wars of the Imperium. The Blood Angels are organized in the same way as nearly all other Chapters with Tactical Squads forming the majority of the Battle Companies.
-When I built my Blood Angels 5th Company army, I included two Tactical Squads (with the possibility of a third forthcoming) and two Assault Squads. I can have no more than two Assault Squads because each Company is organized that way in the fluff.
Can you see the difference? I'm not saying that my way is better (well, I am, but I don't appreciate the competitive scene anymore, making me ridiculously biased), but the difference in thinking becomes brutally obvious at that point. Better yet, I used to be the second example (I have a host of trophies to back me up here), but I've basically evolved past the idea of winning and now enjoy the universe for what it was originally meant to be- a cool story! And just like all good readers, I find solace in the constraints a good writer places on my interpretations.
But I'm not done yet. I have one more principle when I collect, and this one is a bit harder to explain. See, I've got a collection (and had much more again) that makes most gamers jealous. I don't just buy whatever the great GW feels like releasing that month. I don't just pick up everything that has power armor or big tanks or whatever. I tend to buy with sweeping stories in mind. I buy for fairness. Let me give you a more clear idea:

My Ultramarines are built around the 2nd Battle Company, once led by the valorious Captain Agemman and now by the impetuous Captain Sicarius. I have the battle company and a few more toys besides, but it's all about the standard Battle Company. My Word Bearers are Chaos Space Marines, especially now that 5th edition removed the idea of 'Legion special rules' (I'm okay with it, but that's a whole other article). That being said, I have no Plague Marines, Thousand Sons, bikers, or any of that other stuff that isn't well-known to to the Word Bearers. I filled out the army with lots of Daemons, Possessed, Defilers, and tons of regular-'ol Undivided marines.
Why would I limit myself in such a way? Why not have my Ultramarines led by He'stan or Shrike? I'm sure that'd make my army more dangerous. Why not have Thousand Sons and Obliterators in my Word Bearers, and even back them up with a Slaaneshi Sorceror with Lash of Submission? I know that my opponents will lose confidence in their hopes of beating me on the tabletop if I did so. The answer is simple:
Because I like 40k's background and storyline. This isn't War Machine, where I can have elves running around with my Cryx even while they fight each other. Nor is this Magic: TG, where I can put all the colors together and get the biggest bang for my buck out of my deck. For the tournament scene, which has overtaken the hobby community of late, fine. It is what it is. But for the regular 'ol garage gamer like myself, I just wanna have fun and tell a good story.

In summary, here's how I collect a 40k army:

2. Stick to the storyline. It can be fun. It even builds a loyalty and respect to your collection that you wouldn't normally see coming.
3. Be fair. Pick units to fight against another army or objectively fit into a campaign. And DON'T SPAM! Your dollars like to see different reasons for disappearing.
Let me know what y'all think (hell, I'll even take a disagreement or two :-) ), and until next time-
Happy Hobbying!