I will be making a post about how much I love the new 6th edition (again) and why, eventually. But today, I'm going to focus on one particular aspect of the love.
You see, for years you have rarely seen the Flamer being taken anywhere. In fact, I built an entire platoon of guardsmen with Flamers and had an entire shop of customers telling me that I was crazy. I did it because a)I had no other special weapons (that's what happens when you build an entire company of IG at the same time) and so was limited in upgrades, and b)I felt like I needed some 'cover-killers' just in case I ran into some Kroot or 'nids or Orks hiding in the treeline. Three squads and a command unit with four more flamers and we're looking at a ton of fire coming your way.
Then the new rules set was released and BLAM! Flamers became very useful indeed. Marine squads suddenly had three options to choose from rather than the obvious two special weapon upgrades. IG had a big desire for them because of what they do. Sisters of Battle enjoyed this as the loss of 'Divine Guidance' almost made the Flamer useless, yet Seraphim liked to take them in pairs. Hell, even Tau can be found rocking them on the Crisis suits now!
Why? Simple- OVERWATCH. Where normally a unit needs '6's' to hit units charging right at them, the Flamer automatically hits d3 times. Take an IG platoon of 30 and armed with 3 flamers, and suddenly a Marine squad charging them has to suffer at least six hits, and probably more. Crisis suits, often the targets of a well-timed assault, can lay down those auto-hits. This is important to them considering that they can only fire a single weapon for overwatch. Why not guarantee the hits? Marines rolling up in Rhinos or falling out of the sky in Drop Pods against those pesky 'charging you' armies suddenly have an extra little bit of shooting to keep them alive that extra round. Needless to say, the Flamer can mean all the difference between being chopped to death and just being sliced up a bit.
There is one weakness to the Flamer in the overwatch action- they can't take advantage of 'Precision Strike'. Since weapons wielded by characters (or special rules that say otherwise, like Sniper) need '6's' to hit in overwatch, they can be allocated by the owning player on those pesky characters or 'buffers' IF they hit. Flamers don't roll to hit. They only roll to see how many times they hit, and so lose out on that advantage. But that's not too bad considering that almost every model wielding a Flamer isn't a character anyway. So not a whole lot lost. But it is quite a bit gained.
And there it is: My ode to the almight Flamer. If you haven't gotten around to it yet, try arming up a squad or three with one. You may find them a bit more effective than we're used to. I know I have. After all, when a squad of Cultists can luckily reduce incoming Terminators and therefore survive where they wouldn't have, why shouldn't I appreciate it? Plus, even Tau players of skill are doing it. And we all know that if they jump off a bridge, so should you, right?
Happy Gaming!
(It must be noted that this is in response to seeing Tau players using them. I'm used to the occasional Imperial army taking the upgrade, but never the Tau. More proof that this weapon no longer sucks!)
Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
A wind of philosophy blows this way

But I've recently noticed a bit of a change. Rather than the inundation of tactics articles and net-list spamming, I've seen many more articles trying to reconcile these 'groups' and bring the game back to the original point. It's been strange for a number of reasons. I've spent years scouring the internet and reading every blog that has anything to do with 40k, and I've even had my 15 minutes of fame by espousing my own twisted idealogy on the subject. To see the shift in blog topics and even some restraint in the ever-present comments has warmed my cockles. It seems that the gaming community might finally be tired of themselves and are making a self-adjustment. If this is truly the case, that's awesome and bodes very well for the future of the hobby. Let's dive in and check out some recent examples of this.

What is spam?
What is cheese?

Getting destroyed by Tau:
Then we get to the court where rules are lawyered to death and arguments are settled in the world of semantics and FAQs. This has happened across tabletops, computer screens, and beers all over the world. It has led to game groups breaking up, and it has definitely made decades-old friendships reduce to tears and fists. Luckily, I can honestly say that I'm on the 'play as written' side and have been called a 'rules lawyer' for too many years of my gaming experience (being the guy that taught newbies how to play before ever putting on the power armour probably didn't help my cause). However, the 'casual' gamers (to which I belong; contradiction, anyone?) don't like that as it seems that the arguments for 'RAW' tend to be used as a weapon against their 'fun' more often than not. In this, it's important to remember that consistency is the key to improvement, and it can be said that THIS topic is the least consistent of all. Another blog-buddy of mine, a Sent One, addressed specifically this topic recently. Read about that here:
Rules As Written vs Rules As Intended
And now I get to come full circle here. My 15 minutes of fame all those years ago came when I posted my own evil thoughts on the subjects and waxed bitter here. That post was kidnapped and taken over to the largest blog-site in the world and shared to the level so that I may have developed enemies and allies in countries I have never heard of. But my message was clear, and it was one of the few times that the blogosphere got to see something other than the latest net-list or debate about the intention of the founding fathers and their interpretation on what the rule meant in the most obscure situation that nobody would ever experience. I had a TON of agreements, and an almost equal amount of long-distance flames sent my way. However, it was more than refreshing to see a message of love and sportsmanship (in principle, not the tabletop version) get so much attention at that time and on that site. And it turns out that, only a couple of years later this is becoming a more popular shared sentiment. Very recently, another blogosphere superstar name Reece jumped on this bandwagon and posted about this general subject as well. Impressed, I suddenly had the urge to pimp it all and got this whole article together. Check out what finally got me excited enough to blog again:
Game, Blouses!
I am SO happy to see this shift in the general attitude of the gaming community. I founded an entire game club in order to get this kind of fun going. I piloted multiple Thunderhawks and recruited many thousands of gamers over the years with this kind of disposition. And I've gone on and on with my beliefs on these subjects for as long as anyone can remember. Not only am I not alone, but this group of 'philosophers' grows. For those with business degrees- remember the 'S curve'? I think we're on the upward part...
As everyone seems to be saying these days- HAPPY HOBBYING!!!
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