Thursday, December 5, 2024

Ridiculous violence in the Underhive!

   After pimping my favorite game of all time to the guys in my DnD group, we had the opportunity to give it a go.  I was so geeked- my gaming group playing my favorite game!!!  

  We started in the Zone Mortalis with the Orlocks and the Goliaths- I was hearkening back to the origins of the game and the first starter box!  But I wanted to keep it in the tunnels as this allows us to focus on the fighters themselves.  The Goliath gangers are focused on the melee side of the game while the Orlocks were sure to bring their guns and even a Harpoon gun.  

  In both of the games that we 'intro'd', each of the gangs did their thing.  The Orlocks shot through the brutes in the first battle and the Goliaths blasted the bikers in the second.  Unfortunately, we didn't play through the close combat rules or group activations yet.  But they got the gist of the game.

  Then we moved over to the newly finished Refinorium terrain and got to play with the 3d aspect, and it was awesome!  We used the same gangs as the previous day to make sure to get a strong grasp of the rules and the personalities.  After all- this is a game of characters!

  Using the majority of the terrain but not including any of the pipes to run the ground, this battlefield was set up to really focus on the vertical movement with ladders and cover at top layers.  In the first battle, the Golaiths were able to charge and damage the Orlocks enough to 'bottle'.  We got to see some amazing moments, however, such as Zed using that harpoon gun to cause mass havoc, a shotgun blast that knocked three of the brutes to the deck, slowing their inevitable charge, and hypothetical injuries that just added to the story.  

  From there, it was only natural to reset the board (we just rotated the table) and to pick out the crews from all of the options.  After all, they were now familiar with the weapons, stats, and alternating action foundation to the game.  And their choices were interesting- Rocky and Zed were kept for the Orlocks, while Skullsplitter and Korg were kept for the Goliaths.  There were some other minor changes to the crews but this battle was focused on capitalizing on those successes.  Unfortunately, it didn't work as Zed's harpoon ran out of ammo, Rocky took so much damage that he simply bled out, and Korg ran rampant over all the bikers!  It was brutal, and it wasn't crew selection.  

  It was an absolute blast and the guys really dug it!  We might be able to set up a campaign and even have some esoteric gangs join the fun (ah, modern technology...).  I am excited to possibly have another sustainable game for the group.  Selfishly, I like gaming!

On that note, Happy Gaming!

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Lion is back

   It has been a long time since I mentioned the First Legion.  They are still my second favorite Chapter (after my Ultramarines, of course!) due to the awesomeness of their storyline.  But everyone knows that the army was not good for a very long time.  Well, that's changed since my last dive.  

  The craziest thing is that their Primarch has recently returned, slapped around Angron a bit, and now unites the Legionnaires as he crawls his way across the galaxy.  Yes, this means even those with the black armor of old are now fighting alongside those in green!  And in the gaming world, the rules make him the most powerful- specifically with the inclusion of "Always Strikes First".  I'm always a little sad that Bobby G isn't as good, even as he wields the Emprah's Sword, but at least the Lion is on my side.

from SpikeyBitz

  That all being said, my son bought the model for his army and then demanded that I paint it for him.  While flattered, I've been so bad at actually getting to the project as it was simply pushed back in priority over and over again.  Well, I guess it might be time to paint him.  

  He sub-assembled the model so that I'd be able to paint the robes underneath and all the details.  This will lead to some fun as I try to to match the black armor that you see above.  Layer-after-layer of bone color and green are gonna be a blast.  

  That's as far as I've gotten right now, but I'm going to be putting some work into it over the next little while.  Even more, I'm going to remember my lights so that I can get better photos!  Stay tuned to see the progress.  

Happy Hobbying!