Undivided Chaos is terrible!
I've tried to argue his point, citing such things as lower points-cost and background-laden precedent. But my experience on the battlefield has shown my arguments to be wrong and this basic truth to be, well, a basic truth.

Well, that's a great question. I have come at this from two angles so far:
On the one hand- I can simply play the 'book-version' of the Word Bearers, including little more than Marines and Possessed with no marks, and just take the losses like a man. I don't mind losing (I have been known to be a poor sport, buuuut...), but I have to feel like my army isn't what's failing me to have a good time. The dice have always hated me and my luck has never worked to my favour, but my tactics and list design aren't supposed to be that bad. With my Chaos armies right now, it feels that bad.
On the other hand- I can take marks and play 'counts-as' units to take advantage of some of the fun stuff in the book. I've recently built a unit of robed Chaos Marines and attached them to an old metal Sorcerer to count them as 'Thousand Sons'. I even have a unit of Berserkers built and plan on, someday, converting a plague-ridden squad to count as 'Plague Marines'. I have entertained the idea of tossing Marks on my regular troopers to indicate a special 'blessing' that the gods have given my extra-faithful warband. But I feel dirty every time I do. I feel like I'm spitting in the fluff-bible's eye.
Oh how I would love to have some T5 Marines and Spawn running around. Oh how I would enjoy Terminators with a 4+ invulnerable save or a Lord rocking the Axe of Blind Fury. A unit of Raptors sporting the mark of Slaanesh and some lightning claws wouldn't be horrible. But I'm too much of a fluff-bunny.
And for that, I lose. Hmmm...
Let me hear y'all's thoughts! And, as always, Happy Gaming!