I'm sure you all remember the months of rumours stating that the new starter kit was going to be Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marines.
I'm sure most of you remember those months of rumours that said what the contents should be.
I'm sure a few of you may have even seen pics of the new stuff as the 'leak' corps. did its job.
Here's the best pictures to date that I've seen, and it appears that all the rumours are pretty damned true:
sneak leak of pics...
The best part is this...
I chose to build and paint Word Bearers and Dark Angels so I could BEAT the new kit! I called the contents (although I believe the Chaos is more 'generic', but still red!) and decided these armies were the way to drive the bandwagon, rather than ride it.
I'm ahead of the curve, and I'm not in uniform and so required to! WINNING!
But then, we're all winning if this is the what GW is putting out for 'beginner' models. Those sculptors and machinists have Tiger Blood in the veins...
Friday, August 17, 2012
4th Battle of Ehdiciun VI
Mazarius directed his force to rendevouz with the Devastator Squad and Ravenwing scouts near the crystal-ore fields. He'd deployed his heavy weapons squad there upon arrival weeks ago in order to defend a semi-valuable resource that is used to fuel fusion reactors. Fighting eastward through the plains and woods, the two armies had come to these fields by chance. Mazarius felt proud of his strategic deployment only now and was determined to hurt the renegades again. Deny them fuel, ambush and weaken the force, and take more supplies- all objectives he and his force could accomplish, he thought. After a few days march, they'd found the likely battlesite and established their line. Mazarius, riding with the combat squad serving as his command unit in their Razorback, took the west flank and parked behind the woods and boulder. He didn't want to lose the initiative right away by getting his wheels blown up. He told his Devastator squad to set up on the eastern hill and observe and engage anything in the north. Unfortunately, the squad was unclear on instructions and deployed themselves behind the hill, seeing nothing but a grassy slope. Mazarius cursed at himself. Rashiel stood behind the massive clutch of crystals piercing the sky in the center of the battlefied, enjoying the beautiful sight and shielding himself from fire. The Tactical Squad split into section A and followed the Razorback on foot, while section B covered the eastern approach and the wooded cover. It was a setup that made Mazarius anxious, especially knowing that his Land Speeder would come screaming in at the right time. This battle was going to be bloody, that much the Master planned for and more.
Having the advantage of position, Mazarius launched his attack suddenly. Section B, under cover of darkness, advanced in a line- point man moving towards the woods. Unable to see anything in the trees, they established fire lanes and stood to. The Devastator Squad, meanwhile, had to advance up the slope of the hill and gain better firing positions. Sergeant Midas was less than happy with his squad, but at least they'd gained control of their objective pile. Rashiel marched foward and took up position behind the crystals, making sure to use cover as he advanced on the enemy. Firing his Assault Cannon at the marines on the western hill, he felled one. It was first casualty! Meanwhile, Mazarius, his Razorback, and Section A sped towards the western woods and established a defensive position. Taking aim with the Lascannons, the crew of the tank fired at the Defiler and actually succeeded, or so they thought. The darkness had tricked them and the daemonic walker was not there anymore. Mazarius looked at his Sergeant and sighed. It seemed that darkness mattered to laser weapons...
Not standing around to be shot, the 2nd Coterie advanced towards the woods, thinking to sneak upon the Dark Angels and overtake those supplies. Taking snap-shots through the trees at movement beyond, they were able to fell one. Casualties had been returned and the battle began in earnest. The Defiler took a bead on the Razorback in the distance and fired its massive cannon. The shell was on target despite the darkness and filled the quiet morning air with a bass that shook the trees. When the smoke cleared and the situation was assessed, it was found that two of section A's number were caught in the blast, but miraculously the tank survived. The reaper rounds simply pinged off the armor, knocking off a chunk and some machinery, but doing no real damage. The 1st Coterie stood and aimed a Krak Missle right at the Dreadnought's advancing form, but the missle did nothing as it smashed into the thickest armor and exploded with no impact. It appeared that the darkness was a friend of the Dark Angels after all! Of course, the sun crested the horizon and took that advantage away.
The remaining marines and sergeant from section A advanced into the woods, firing their weapons into the Chaos marines just beyond and felling two. Mazarius simply observed, waiting to see when that cursed Daemon Lord would appear. The Dreadnought advanced from behind the crystals towards the chaos squad in the west, firing with his Assault Cannon and killing another one. Rashiel was advancing with reason, his anger at being so ignominously destroyed days before (the serfs had emptied the stores to make him battle-worthy). His rage carried the massive armored form foward. Meanwhile, the Devastators fired at the Chaos Marines who stood tepidly at the edge of the trees. Adding their firepower to that of section B, they successfully killed the three that had entered the woodline. That squad, the 2nd Coterie, had found these woods to be cleverly evolved Razorvine trees, capable of ripping even a marine apart. The Aspiring Champion, watching the three morons in the woods die, ordered the rest of the squad to walk around the woods. It would take them to the easternmost flank of the battlefield, keeping them from aiding the rest of the force, but the champion was determined to take some supplies and exact revenge on these loyalist scum. The Defiler, sensing his allies advancing, slowly strode toward the center of the battlefield and levelled a battlecannon shot at the Razorback. Striking the front armor and easily penetrating, the tank was damaged again but continued to operate, barely. The 'Mouth' roared displeasure. Seeing this damage, the 1st Coterie advanced down the hill and into the trees, hoping to close fast and kill the captain. Firing a Missle into the Dreadnought, they destroyed it with an explosion that shattered some of the natural crystals. The battle had become one of attrition too fast for Mazarius' liking.
The Land Speeder finally screamed onto the battlefield, flying in from the western quadrant and aiming directly at the advancing squad of renegades. Unleashing a punishing array of Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter rounds, the gunner watched as three enemy were annihilated. Section A, still in the woods, shot and focussed on the same unit, felling another one. It was looking as though the Dark Angels would take the western flank and steal the objective! Taking revenge for destroying the Dreadnought again, the Lascannons from the limping Razorback fired at the Defiler. The bolt must have struck something vital since the machine was knocked backwards and remained motionless afterwards. The Daemon-tank was wrecked! The 1st Legion's luck continued as the Devastators and section B again targetted the onrushing Chaos squad. Firing instantly, the two units resulted in the death of three more Chaos Marines. Luckily, the battle to hold off and destroy the advance was working, and still no sight of the Daemon Prince.
Finally emerging from behind the hills came a screaming squad of Possessed, utterly lacking in discipline or combat knowledge. It was clear that the bodies of these monsters was no longer that of their mortal owners. They dashed across the battlefield, heading for the western woods where some hapless victims waited. Charging straight past the Razorback and leaping effortlessly through the trees, they charged and easily shredded section A. The sergeant, wielding a Power Fist, didn't even survive long enough to swing twice, killing only one. The 1st, not to be outdone by their more beastly counterparts, crawled through the trees and blasted the Razorback with their Plasma Gun. The white-hot bolt seared straight into the armor and melted the vehicle's flank, forcing Mazarius and his unit to disembark. Following through with the momentum, the Chaos squad charged out of the trees and attacked the bone-armored Captain, only to hear the obligatory challenge. The Aspiring Champion, sporting his massive Power Fist, stepped foward and found himself skewered immediately. The rest of the command squad fought bravely, killing one but losing two in return. The Dark Angel captain refused to run. Kharsis, the Daemon Prince, leapt in from the western flank, towering above this scrum and impatiently waiting for an openning. Clever movement by the Dark Angel kept his chaos marines in the way. Finally, the Chaos Lord saw another target and wandered off.
The Ravenwing Land Speeder, seeing the Daemon Prince fly over the woods and land near the Captain, flew wide and decided to light up the Possessed in the trees. Deft flying and good aim saw perfect hits, but no damage. The pilot even managed to halt his skimmer just far enough away to avoid getting charged by their targets and planned to turn and help Master Mazarius by providing cover fire. Before he even had time to react, the Daemon Prince flew back over the woods and slashed the Speeder in half from above! The monster stood over the downed vehicle and screamed with rage and elation. But the Dark Angels fought on, the Devastators and section B firing at the relentlessy oncoming Chaos Squad. Felling another, it wasn't enough as the squad was suddenly assaulted by the surviving three renegades. Losing horrendously, the four marines of section B fled from the battlefield, unable to handle the ferocious charge. Just then, the sky began to darken with eerie clouds the color of metal. The Dark Angels knew of the strange weather of this planet, but both armies were equally worried. Mazarius gave the order for 'final stand' and renewed his strength in his fight with so many Chaos Marines. Determined now to end the battle quickly, he and his sergeant killed half the squad in an instant and chopped down the rest as they tried to run. Filled with adrenaline and focussed on his mission, the Master and his sidekick charged towards the enemy objective on top of the hill, only to be intercepted...
Master Mazarius, now only one of two active Dark Angels on the battlefield and with little time left to sieze victory, watched as Possessed emerged screaming from the trees to his left, and felt the shadows as mutated Chaos Marines with wings and chainswords fell in front of him. Surprised by the new opponent for only a moment, he charged in and swung his sword, but missed the nimble enemies. His sergeant faired slightly better, slicing one to death, but only in time to watch his captain finally succumb to a battle's worth of wounds, the final strike with the chainsword causing the heroic leader to fall to the ground, spent. Alone and demotivated, the Sergeant fought on, but the sky openned up with a lightning storm of dangerous levels. The Word Bearers simply turned and left (flying away in the case of Kharsis and the Raptors), seeking shelter in nearby caves. The last surviving Dark Angel Sergeant gathered up his wounded captain's body and began the trek to safer grounds...
For our warlord traits, the Daemon Prince gained outflank while Mazarius attempted to redeploy three of the units (to no end). The Objectives were placed on hills in opposite corners (nw and se) with my brother and I simultaneously declaring "take the high ground!" We laughed, but it mattered.
My first turn wasn't great, as you saw, he just pounded away at me. By the end of the game, I had one remaining sergeant alive while EVERYTHING else was killed. Him killing the Devastator squad in the last turn was just icing on the cake, making the kill score 7-2 in his favour. It was a whoopin'. Luckily for me, this game isn't about killing, but about claiming objectives!
The end of the game saw neither of us claiming either one. My sergeant COULD if he were to survive three possessed and four raptors, and somehow then move another 3". His last three chaos marines COULD, if they had successfully charged the Devastators and then wiped them out, but a failed charge and a distance of 10" was too far to count. So it all came down to secondary objectives.
Of course the Word Bearers scored first blood, and of course they achieved slay the warlord, but he also finished with linebreaker while I was only inches away myself. So I lost 0-3, fair and square.
This game was actually quite good. The final score doesn't show it, but the battle report certainly does. We both admitted after the game that it was the best one so far. I loved the Daemon Prince suprising and smashing the Ravenwing boyz, and I especially loved the one-wound captain and his trusty sergeant finishing off one Chaos squad only to dash and charge some more! It was truly heroic. Next game should see some emboldened Dark Angels...
The final view as we left for the night. What a bloody battle! And that tea was tasty, too... Happy Gaming! |
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
3rd Battle for Ehdiciun VI
Mazarius was unaware of the extra time he'd gained from xenos interference, but he took advantage nonetheless. Hastily repairing the Razorback and bring Ancient Rashiel back online, Mazarius ordered his restored force to retrieve some strategically placed supplies and prepare for a counter-attack. They entered a moderately wooded area and rested, the four officers planning on how to stop such a deadly force. It was now that Mazarius wished he had deployed his entire force rather than spreading over the planet and now waiting for the recalled troops to come to his aid. But strategy only matters at the moment, never in the past. No worries, the force would be resupplied shortly and the initiative would be theirs.
Unfortunately, Kharsis knew that the ambush his force had just survived had sapped them of valuable strength. Chaos Marines may be tougher and meaner than their loyalist counterparts, but they still needed ammo and sustenance just the same. Checking his Champion's maps, he found some woods that promised to lead to something, be it stashes or a hidden supply depot. Bellowing out his orders, the Word Bearers regrouped finally and headed eastward toward those woods...
Finding cleverly hidden stashes, both forces built up a supply cache in basic camps. Strangely enough, the camps were only a few hundred meters apart, separated by woods and ancient, crumbling stone structures. It was only on establishment of piquets did they notice each other and the battlelines were drawn. Still needing to gather ammo and expand their supplies, each force adopted the mission of 'save our stuff and take theirs', effectively becoming a wild 'castle' mission. Both Kharsis and Mazarius mused to themselves about this situation moments before shots boomed out...
As the fog of war cleared, Mazarius realized that the battlefield was a hilly glade ringed by woods and ruins. There was plenty of cover. The Chaos 1st Coterie had taken the woods to the northwest, while the Defiler towered behind a hill in the north, and the 2nd Coterie took cover in the ruins to the northeast and guarded their stash of newly-acquired supplies. The Company Master, realizing that the center of the battlefield was a death-trap, deployed his Razorback and bodyguard squad behind the woods in the east, intent on racing for the objective. Behind the vehicle and a gaggle of trees was the Dreadnought, Rashiel, ready to distract the enemy for the captain's quest. On the very eastern flank, skirting the treeline, was the section A, a combat squad split of from the Tactical squad. Including the sergeant and the Plasma-gunner, this team was meant to sieze the objective if the command unit couldn't. To the west of the battlefield, section B deployed in some ruins and stood watch over the Dark Angels' cache. Five marines and a Plasma Cannon should be enough to hold off an advance, thought Mazarius. Just as the loyalists achieved their positions, the Defiler blew a whole in the western ruins and obliterated 2 of section B's numbers. The battle had begun.
Mazarius thought he had achieved the perfect plan and owned the initiative, but when that cannon sound went off, he realized that the Word Bearers were more eager than he was to fight. The Defiler advanced as it lobbed shells, and the 1st advanced through the woods towards the Daemon-engine. Their hip-shots with bolter rounds and a plasma gun resulted in the Dark Angels around their Plasma Cannon-wielder going down, leaving the heavy weapon and one marine to guard the objective. It was a good start already for the Chaos Marines. The 2nd Coterie bunkered down in the ruins and waited for their lord to arrive, not wishing to rob the Daemon Prince of any glory. Kharsis had vowed to kill every officer in a challenge this day, but Mazarius was intractable in his bid to take back his supplies. This stubborn resolve pushed the Razorback foward, just this side of the treeline, heading north and firing at the Defiler. The Lascannons were ineffective, still only barely operating after being wrecked only days before. Rashiel stomped towards the middle of the battlefield, starting through the woods and taking advantage of cover as he sprayed Assault Cannon rounds into the Chaos Marines in the ruins, felling one. Section A advanced behind the trees, staying conspicuously absent from the battle raging just the other side of the treeline.
The Defiler, noticing that the Razorback had sped foward and closed on his army's supplies, changed direction and moved east, firing his cannon and Autocannons at the vehicle. Scraping paint and making a horrendous screech, the shells did little real damage and enraged the deamon inside the monster tank-thing. The 1st continued to follow the Defiler, even in changing direction, but made sure to fire and kill the Plasma Cannon hiding in the ruins for good measure. The last surviving Dark Angel watched the Chaos army all move toward the fighting in the east and took the opportunity to duck behind a wall and conceal his position. He expected the Word Bearers to forget about him and lose sight of their goal. Meanwhile, the 2nd Coterie began to worry and crawled slowly to the base of their ruins, readying themselves in case the Dark Angel Master made it across the battlefield, now already halfway there. Rashiel again moved through the woods, smashing branches and trunks aside, and continued to spray Assault Cannon rounds into Chaos marines, shredding another two. The Razorback again advanced and again launched a vicious Lascannon shot at the Defiler, but again failed to do anything.
Already, the loyalists were halfway across the battlefield and threatening the objective, bringing the Defiler and 1st hurrying to engage. Firing at the closest target, conveniently the Razorback, the Defiler-cannon and squad Plasma Gun wrecked the vehicle. It was confusing when the Chaos marines saw nothing escape the vehicle, only to notice Mazarius and his squad now advancing through the trees- on foot! Mission first, it appeared. Still no Daemon Prince in sight, the 2nd Coterie unleashed their bolters into the advancing command unit and killed two, but the loyalists seemed unmoved and kept pace. The Word Bearers were beginning to feel doubt. Another two from the 2nd Coterie fell to the Dreadnought's cannon as it advanced to the edge of the trees and prepared to recieve a charge from sweeping Chaos marines. Rashiel knew he had to protect his captain and saw the Defiler cutting him off from the north and the renegades sweeping south to get behind the unit. It was the ancient warrior's time of courage.
The Defiler crawled as far as he could and unleashed a massive blast from his cannon, aiming squarely for the Master and his puny marine bodyguard. Despite perfect aim and overwhelming force, Mazarius survived by sacrifice of one of his squad members. The Deamon-engine howled in fury! The 2nd continued to fire from the ruins, shooting bolters, flamers, and even a Plasma Pistol into the bone-armored officer advancing on them. Being wholly committed to taking the objective, Mazarius ignored any injuries, advanced from the treeline, and ran straight into the ruins to smash his Power Sword into a Chaos Marine's face and then his buddie's, killing two. Surprised by the ferocious assault but skilled nonetheless, the squad struck back with dozens of chainsword blows and close-range shots. Still Mazarius fought on, unscathed and totally determined. The objective was nearby, filling the Master with resolve and giving him super-human abilities to resist pain. The Dreadnought processed this information in his visor as he watched the 1st Coterie advancing, believing himself about to be assaulted. To his surprise, he was suddenly destroyed as a Plasma round penetrated his armor and detonated his reactor. Even the Chaos squad was stunned and stood there, staring at the now-smoking crater where their foe had stood a moment ago. The Aspiring Champion shrugged his shoulders and patted his pistol, very proud of himself suddenly. Seeing this explosion, section A rerouted themselves into the woods and set up to recieve the charge and guard their Company Master's advance. Losing the battle of attrition, Mazarius trusted his fighters to do what was necessary and give their lives if they had to, even while fighting to preserve his own.
Finally, Kharsis roared and flew onto the battlefield, coming from the north where he was surely gathering intelligence from the air. Seeing how the battle fared, the Daemon Prince was confident that battle was his. He motioned for the 1st to advance past the wreckage and into the woods, watched the 2nd nearby struggling as the more experienced Dark Angel commander eviscerate his warriors and ordered the Aspiring Champion to 'earn his glory', meaning challenge the loyalist and beat him already. The Defiler was now left without targets as the Daemon Prince had jumped directly between the machine and its targets. The deamon inside twisted with rage, but restrained from instigating a fight with such a powerful being. The 1st did as told and advanced, firing into the combat squad emerging from the shadows, but failed to kill any. They attempted to charge the Dark Angels and succeeded, but lost two renegade warriors to overwatch. This squad was putting up a fight for being outnumbered so badly. When the two sides finally clashed together, the Sergeant hollered a challenge to the Aspiring Champion, met in the trees, and easily dispatched him with his Power Fist. The Word Bearers fought on, realizing quickly that they were fighting a stubborn foe and watching only one of the five they faced fall. Meanwhile, the remaining Dark Angels accounted for another two renegade casualties and completely locked them down. Farther north, the 2nd backed away from the Dark Angel captain and cheered as their own Aspiring Champion stepped foward and flexed his Power Fist. Without a thought or even a sound, Mazarius sliced the heretic in half and stepped over the body, standing menacingly over the pile of supplies they'd been scrumming over. This simple action broke the nerve of the Word Bearers squad, and they turned and fled from the all-too fierce captain. Mazarius quietly watched them flee, knowing this was the easy part and he was only moments from facing a Daemon Prince!
In the quiet west of the battlefield, one quiet Dark Angel marine from section B crawled from the ruins he'd been occupying and gathered the supplies that made up his army's stash. Looking where the sounds of fighting were coming from, he saw his Master valiantly slaughtering renegades way across the field. His pride was only mitigated by the fact that his job had been so easy up to this point...
Kharsis saw both his officers be dispatched in nearly the same instance, and something inside him snapped. With a scream of defeat, the Chaos Lord lifted off from the battlefield and fled as fast as he could, the Defiler and remaining Chaos Marines quickly following suit. The remaining Dark Angels gathered near the Company Master and all silently took in the moment of victory. It was a very hard-fought one, but this was only another battle in a potentially long campaign.
We dropped back to 750 points, playing the 'Emporer's Will' scenario. The battlefield was choked with cover and both objectives were placed pretty much perfectly. I included the challenge rules, secondary objectives, and warlord traits- Kharsis getting the Challenge VP one and Mazarius getting the FnP within 3" of an objective one. My warlord trait came in very handy, the challenges went in my favor, and the Daemon Prince arrived in turn 5 (there was that mess-up I talked about a few posts back), which saved my bacon and kept my captain from being challenged by that monster.
As far as victory, I finally got one. I won the game 4-1, Chaos achieving first blood (I didn't get ANY blood until turn 5!) being all he achieved. Had he remembered the objective, he would have won, but I [secretly] claimed my objective, contested his, and had a denial unit (go Master Mazarius!) in his deployment zone.
I got creamed in the kill point aspect of the game, but this mission was a great lesson to my brother that this game is about more than killing. Not that he doesn't like killing, but I hadn't introduced him to objectives yet and he was beating me handily for it. Now that we're comfortable with the missions and armies, the next few battles will focus on mastering the rules and getting comfortable with that. After all, good habits take practice! :-)
Happy Gaming!
Unfortunately, Kharsis knew that the ambush his force had just survived had sapped them of valuable strength. Chaos Marines may be tougher and meaner than their loyalist counterparts, but they still needed ammo and sustenance just the same. Checking his Champion's maps, he found some woods that promised to lead to something, be it stashes or a hidden supply depot. Bellowing out his orders, the Word Bearers regrouped finally and headed eastward toward those woods...
Finding cleverly hidden stashes, both forces built up a supply cache in basic camps. Strangely enough, the camps were only a few hundred meters apart, separated by woods and ancient, crumbling stone structures. It was only on establishment of piquets did they notice each other and the battlelines were drawn. Still needing to gather ammo and expand their supplies, each force adopted the mission of 'save our stuff and take theirs', effectively becoming a wild 'castle' mission. Both Kharsis and Mazarius mused to themselves about this situation moments before shots boomed out...
As the fog of war cleared, Mazarius realized that the battlefield was a hilly glade ringed by woods and ruins. There was plenty of cover. The Chaos 1st Coterie had taken the woods to the northwest, while the Defiler towered behind a hill in the north, and the 2nd Coterie took cover in the ruins to the northeast and guarded their stash of newly-acquired supplies. The Company Master, realizing that the center of the battlefield was a death-trap, deployed his Razorback and bodyguard squad behind the woods in the east, intent on racing for the objective. Behind the vehicle and a gaggle of trees was the Dreadnought, Rashiel, ready to distract the enemy for the captain's quest. On the very eastern flank, skirting the treeline, was the section A, a combat squad split of from the Tactical squad. Including the sergeant and the Plasma-gunner, this team was meant to sieze the objective if the command unit couldn't. To the west of the battlefield, section B deployed in some ruins and stood watch over the Dark Angels' cache. Five marines and a Plasma Cannon should be enough to hold off an advance, thought Mazarius. Just as the loyalists achieved their positions, the Defiler blew a whole in the western ruins and obliterated 2 of section B's numbers. The battle had begun.
Mazarius thought he had achieved the perfect plan and owned the initiative, but when that cannon sound went off, he realized that the Word Bearers were more eager than he was to fight. The Defiler advanced as it lobbed shells, and the 1st advanced through the woods towards the Daemon-engine. Their hip-shots with bolter rounds and a plasma gun resulted in the Dark Angels around their Plasma Cannon-wielder going down, leaving the heavy weapon and one marine to guard the objective. It was a good start already for the Chaos Marines. The 2nd Coterie bunkered down in the ruins and waited for their lord to arrive, not wishing to rob the Daemon Prince of any glory. Kharsis had vowed to kill every officer in a challenge this day, but Mazarius was intractable in his bid to take back his supplies. This stubborn resolve pushed the Razorback foward, just this side of the treeline, heading north and firing at the Defiler. The Lascannons were ineffective, still only barely operating after being wrecked only days before. Rashiel stomped towards the middle of the battlefield, starting through the woods and taking advantage of cover as he sprayed Assault Cannon rounds into the Chaos Marines in the ruins, felling one. Section A advanced behind the trees, staying conspicuously absent from the battle raging just the other side of the treeline.
The Defiler, noticing that the Razorback had sped foward and closed on his army's supplies, changed direction and moved east, firing his cannon and Autocannons at the vehicle. Scraping paint and making a horrendous screech, the shells did little real damage and enraged the deamon inside the monster tank-thing. The 1st continued to follow the Defiler, even in changing direction, but made sure to fire and kill the Plasma Cannon hiding in the ruins for good measure. The last surviving Dark Angel watched the Chaos army all move toward the fighting in the east and took the opportunity to duck behind a wall and conceal his position. He expected the Word Bearers to forget about him and lose sight of their goal. Meanwhile, the 2nd Coterie began to worry and crawled slowly to the base of their ruins, readying themselves in case the Dark Angel Master made it across the battlefield, now already halfway there. Rashiel again moved through the woods, smashing branches and trunks aside, and continued to spray Assault Cannon rounds into Chaos marines, shredding another two. The Razorback again advanced and again launched a vicious Lascannon shot at the Defiler, but again failed to do anything.
Already, the loyalists were halfway across the battlefield and threatening the objective, bringing the Defiler and 1st hurrying to engage. Firing at the closest target, conveniently the Razorback, the Defiler-cannon and squad Plasma Gun wrecked the vehicle. It was confusing when the Chaos marines saw nothing escape the vehicle, only to notice Mazarius and his squad now advancing through the trees- on foot! Mission first, it appeared. Still no Daemon Prince in sight, the 2nd Coterie unleashed their bolters into the advancing command unit and killed two, but the loyalists seemed unmoved and kept pace. The Word Bearers were beginning to feel doubt. Another two from the 2nd Coterie fell to the Dreadnought's cannon as it advanced to the edge of the trees and prepared to recieve a charge from sweeping Chaos marines. Rashiel knew he had to protect his captain and saw the Defiler cutting him off from the north and the renegades sweeping south to get behind the unit. It was the ancient warrior's time of courage.
The Defiler crawled as far as he could and unleashed a massive blast from his cannon, aiming squarely for the Master and his puny marine bodyguard. Despite perfect aim and overwhelming force, Mazarius survived by sacrifice of one of his squad members. The Deamon-engine howled in fury! The 2nd continued to fire from the ruins, shooting bolters, flamers, and even a Plasma Pistol into the bone-armored officer advancing on them. Being wholly committed to taking the objective, Mazarius ignored any injuries, advanced from the treeline, and ran straight into the ruins to smash his Power Sword into a Chaos Marine's face and then his buddie's, killing two. Surprised by the ferocious assault but skilled nonetheless, the squad struck back with dozens of chainsword blows and close-range shots. Still Mazarius fought on, unscathed and totally determined. The objective was nearby, filling the Master with resolve and giving him super-human abilities to resist pain. The Dreadnought processed this information in his visor as he watched the 1st Coterie advancing, believing himself about to be assaulted. To his surprise, he was suddenly destroyed as a Plasma round penetrated his armor and detonated his reactor. Even the Chaos squad was stunned and stood there, staring at the now-smoking crater where their foe had stood a moment ago. The Aspiring Champion shrugged his shoulders and patted his pistol, very proud of himself suddenly. Seeing this explosion, section A rerouted themselves into the woods and set up to recieve the charge and guard their Company Master's advance. Losing the battle of attrition, Mazarius trusted his fighters to do what was necessary and give their lives if they had to, even while fighting to preserve his own.
Finally, Kharsis roared and flew onto the battlefield, coming from the north where he was surely gathering intelligence from the air. Seeing how the battle fared, the Daemon Prince was confident that battle was his. He motioned for the 1st to advance past the wreckage and into the woods, watched the 2nd nearby struggling as the more experienced Dark Angel commander eviscerate his warriors and ordered the Aspiring Champion to 'earn his glory', meaning challenge the loyalist and beat him already. The Defiler was now left without targets as the Daemon Prince had jumped directly between the machine and its targets. The deamon inside twisted with rage, but restrained from instigating a fight with such a powerful being. The 1st did as told and advanced, firing into the combat squad emerging from the shadows, but failed to kill any. They attempted to charge the Dark Angels and succeeded, but lost two renegade warriors to overwatch. This squad was putting up a fight for being outnumbered so badly. When the two sides finally clashed together, the Sergeant hollered a challenge to the Aspiring Champion, met in the trees, and easily dispatched him with his Power Fist. The Word Bearers fought on, realizing quickly that they were fighting a stubborn foe and watching only one of the five they faced fall. Meanwhile, the remaining Dark Angels accounted for another two renegade casualties and completely locked them down. Farther north, the 2nd backed away from the Dark Angel captain and cheered as their own Aspiring Champion stepped foward and flexed his Power Fist. Without a thought or even a sound, Mazarius sliced the heretic in half and stepped over the body, standing menacingly over the pile of supplies they'd been scrumming over. This simple action broke the nerve of the Word Bearers squad, and they turned and fled from the all-too fierce captain. Mazarius quietly watched them flee, knowing this was the easy part and he was only moments from facing a Daemon Prince!
In the quiet west of the battlefield, one quiet Dark Angel marine from section B crawled from the ruins he'd been occupying and gathered the supplies that made up his army's stash. Looking where the sounds of fighting were coming from, he saw his Master valiantly slaughtering renegades way across the field. His pride was only mitigated by the fact that his job had been so easy up to this point...
Kharsis saw both his officers be dispatched in nearly the same instance, and something inside him snapped. With a scream of defeat, the Chaos Lord lifted off from the battlefield and fled as fast as he could, the Defiler and remaining Chaos Marines quickly following suit. The remaining Dark Angels gathered near the Company Master and all silently took in the moment of victory. It was a very hard-fought one, but this was only another battle in a potentially long campaign.
We dropped back to 750 points, playing the 'Emporer's Will' scenario. The battlefield was choked with cover and both objectives were placed pretty much perfectly. I included the challenge rules, secondary objectives, and warlord traits- Kharsis getting the Challenge VP one and Mazarius getting the FnP within 3" of an objective one. My warlord trait came in very handy, the challenges went in my favor, and the Daemon Prince arrived in turn 5 (there was that mess-up I talked about a few posts back), which saved my bacon and kept my captain from being challenged by that monster.
As far as victory, I finally got one. I won the game 4-1, Chaos achieving first blood (I didn't get ANY blood until turn 5!) being all he achieved. Had he remembered the objective, he would have won, but I [secretly] claimed my objective, contested his, and had a denial unit (go Master Mazarius!) in his deployment zone.
I got creamed in the kill point aspect of the game, but this mission was a great lesson to my brother that this game is about more than killing. Not that he doesn't like killing, but I hadn't introduced him to objectives yet and he was beating me handily for it. Now that we're comfortable with the missions and armies, the next few battles will focus on mastering the rules and getting comfortable with that. After all, good habits take practice! :-)
Happy Gaming!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Damn that ninja goldfish!
I had built and started some more models for my Dark Angels and Word Bearers at the beginning of the week, but ran out of black primer. All week I've sat and distracted myself until this weekend, when I could refill and get back to work. So today started with a plan...
My brother wanted me to bring over the game stuff and play at his house. I, being the dozy fella I've been for the last week now, decided that we could hobby some instead. Plus I could show him the side of the 40k world that didn't involve him beating me in yet another game. LOL! So I drag out some daemons for him to build and I bring those models I mentioned before to get painted. I grab him up, we run to my LGS only to find that they're out of black primer. "NO WORRIES!" I proclaim as we load up and head over to my local comic shop which happens to carry GW as well (plus they're really cool there, very inviting and friendly). I stroll in thinking I'm gonna get black primer only to find that they were out as well. But wait, there's more.
Before me and my bro had begun this sojourn around town, we had stopped back at Jay's Workshop (trademark, and don't call it my garage!) to try to find a missing sprue from the Bloodletter box. Despite my owning WAAAAAY too much, and knowing that I had daemons in that massive stash, the head sprue was simply gone. I mean, yeah, building Bloodletters without heads is rather dumb. Now I'm angry, but that's okay because I'll have black primer soon and I can paint the other stuff.
Fastfoward an hour now and here we are standing in the comic shop. I'm fuming at this misfortune, while my brother is inspecting every box on the shelf (I told you, he's excited. Jay happy!). Before I know it, I'm buying a box of Bloodletters and deciding that a Daemon army really is in order. Oh, and I already bought my comics for the week, so don't ask. That'll be a section soon enough... :-)
Now I still don't have black primer (I know I've used that term a dozen times in four paragraphs already- sorry for the repeated iteration), but we went back to the house and began rummaging through what I brought. He built his very first ever models and now has the mission of getting the rest of the box built through the week (he's a soldier, time is NOT on his side, people!). Meanwhile, I built the second unit of Raptors for the Word Bearers and then made my brother happy by slapping together a Bloodthirster.
Wait, I built a Bloodthirster?!?! What the heck is wrong with me!?
Yep, my attention on Dark Angels and Word Bearers disappeared completely and was [forcibly] replaced by that damned goldfish- the ADD version of Jay the Hobby Addict! And it was sneaky this time. I'm a very deliberate, planned, focussed person and BLAM! I was blindsided into assembling my greatest of enemies. Emperor knows my brother is more than happy to see the new toy he'll be using before too long. But man, I, well, uh, yeah... today got me good. Well played ninja goldfish, well played...

Before me and my bro had begun this sojourn around town, we had stopped back at Jay's Workshop (trademark, and don't call it my garage!) to try to find a missing sprue from the Bloodletter box. Despite my owning WAAAAAY too much, and knowing that I had daemons in that massive stash, the head sprue was simply gone. I mean, yeah, building Bloodletters without heads is rather dumb. Now I'm angry, but that's okay because I'll have black primer soon and I can paint the other stuff.
Fastfoward an hour now and here we are standing in the comic shop. I'm fuming at this misfortune, while my brother is inspecting every box on the shelf (I told you, he's excited. Jay happy!). Before I know it, I'm buying a box of Bloodletters and deciding that a Daemon army really is in order. Oh, and I already bought my comics for the week, so don't ask. That'll be a section soon enough... :-)
Wait, I built a Bloodthirster?!?! What the heck is wrong with me!?
RT-era jump packs, RT-era Termie LCs, and regular CSM. Simple, old, and good! |

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