That being said, I have been working on my models slowly now for a few weeks. What better to rebuild use of my arm than doing something I can't fail at? After all the years, my muscle-memory for this hobby is such that you can put a model and a paintbrush in my hand while I nap and you can bet that I'll wake up with a fully painted model. :-)
So without further ado, let me prove to you what I've been working on...

Here's some pics of what I've built in the last couple of weeks:
6 Raptors built from Marine bits and Possessed stuff. After all, aren't Word Bearers happy to be half Daemon? |
8 Marines built just because I had the bitz. See what keeping leftovers can do for ya? |
A Spawn with 5 heads. This is to remind my Warlord what will happen if he fails... |
But wait, there's MORE!
I found this Rhino in my bitz box, so it had to be built... |
So what does my collection look like so far? Like this:
Remember how I build to a full Force Org chart? Here's much more to meet that goal:
That's another Defiler, 3 Obliterators, a Sorcerer and bitz to build a Thousand Sons squad, and a boatload of Lesser Daemons (including the Daemon Prince if thee warlord proves his mettle!) |
Now everyone knows that I'm no longer a competetive player and I build to the 'fluff'. To show you how crazy I am about this, check out this example of my insanity:
That's right- Drummers for CSM! Word Bearers are known for their musical chanting as they stomp towards the enemy... |
And there you have it! I am going to finish building and begin painting very soon. And when that happens, not only will I be ready for the new 6th ed, but there will be...
Now get back to your workbenches and Happy Hobbying!