Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Construction Season

   We've all been really busy at work lately.  With employees having personal needs and growth coming on like a tsunami, I haven't been able to lay down paint or even push some warriors around for the dice-toss.  Any of you that live in a big city knows that this isn't Spring or Summer; this is Construction Season.  The seas of orange cones and parked yellow tractors fill the various (and busiest) roadways.  The traffic patterns are my hobby time in this metaphor...

  Fortunately, those construction zones haven't stopped the money-spending, and the results of some recent purchases have arrived.  If you've kept up with the blog, you'll remember that I love terrain.  Because I'm not a creative person, I prefer to purchase terrain rather than build it (although I do have skills in that due to years of service to the Emprah).  And with my focus being Necromunda recently, slums and such have been the focus of those expenditures.  

  My favorite brand making terrain right now is TinkerTurf.  I've mentioned it before.  This week, I received the newest batch from their latest Kickstarter product.  The first set was based around stilted walkways and gantries while this one is focused on walls and defenses.  After all, where am I going to set up the market stuff that GW released recently?  This company made the terrain with Necromunda in mind and I happen to be a 'mundan!  You can check out their website and see their fantastic products here.  

  Speaking of the Underhive- not every environment is platforms and rickety crossings.  Sometimes, there might even be habitable structures there!  Getting bored with the mad dash across elevated levels, I went searching for hab blocks and slum stacks and found them.  This time, it was from a popular company known as TTCombat.  If you visit this link, you'll see why this terrain was perfect for what I was thinking.  With a good paint job and set up copying the movie "Ready Player One", this can really capture the slums of the Underhive mood that I'm going for.  Shootouts and gang raids tend to happen in settlements, they say...

  Once work and life settle down a bit and I return to the workshop, construction season will start.  I may not have the cones (well, I do, but in a bit of a smaller scale), but there's going to be some disruptions to traffic as work begins.  That's all I have for the week!  Anyone else out there working on terrain, sprucing up that battlefield, creating a new setting for war?  Let me know in the comments below.  

Happy Hobbying!