Here's what I've gotten so far:
Armoured Strike Force, 1995 points
For this army list, I wanted to overwhelm the enemy with the well-known "Wall of Iron" and run a ton of vehicles. Both troop choices are mounted up, there is a fair share of main battle tank goodness, and even a very strong sense of artillery. Better yet, everyone that can is armed with Meltaguns just for that armour-killing and instant-killing fun.
HQ- Commissar Lord with Plasma Pistol and Power Sword (90 pts)
Troop- Platoon Command Squad with Power Fist, 2 Meltaguns, and Krak Grenades (70 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber and extra armour (80 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Meltagun and Missile Launcher (75 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber and extra armour (80 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Meltagun and Missile Launcher (75 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber and extra armour (80 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Meltagun and Missile Launcher (75 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber and extra armour (80 pts)
Troop- Veteran Squad with Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, and 3 Meltaguns (120 pts)
Fast Attack- Vendetta Gunship 130
Fast Attack- 2 Armoured Sentinels with Lascannons and Hunter-killer Missile Launchers (160 pts)
Fast Attack- 2 Hellhound tanks (260 pts)
Heavy Support- 2 Leman Russes with Heavy Bolter sponsons (340 pts)
Heavy Support- Manticore Rocket Launcher (160 pts)
Heavy Support- Basalisk (125 pts)
Infantry Force, 2000 points
This list, using no repeat models (did I mention that I have a TON of IG?), is designed to be a little bit more frustrating. Not only is a gazillion models, but there's so many guns that it makes every square inch a bit of a hassle to take. I made sure that most of this firepower was either high strength or low AP, or both! This army list has all the plasma weaponry in my entire IG collection. This, mixed with some Demolisher template goodness, should equal some dead Terminators.
HQ- Commissar Lord with Boltgun and Power Sword (80 pts)
Troop- Platoon Command Squad with Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, 2 Grenade Launchers, and an Autocannon (70 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher (70 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher (70 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher (70 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher (70 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher (70 pts)
-Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Autocannons (75 pts)
-Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Autocannons (75 pts)
-Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 Autocannons (75 pts)
Troop- Platoon Command Squad with Power Sword, Plasma Gun, and Lascannon (75 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Plasma Gun and Lascannon (85 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Plasma Gun and Lascannon (85 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Plasma Gun and Lascannon (85 pts)
Troop- Veteran Squad with Power Sword, Plasma Pistol, and 3 Plasma Guns (135 pts)
Fast Attack- Valkyrie Gunship with Multiple Rocket Pods (130 pts)
Heavy Support- 2 Demolishers with Lascannons
Heavy Support- Executioner with Lascannon and Plasma Cannon sponsons (245 pts)
Heavy Support- Hydra Flak Tank (75 pts)
This army needs some more work. The Death Korp platoon's lascannons need to be built and two of the Autocannon teams need the correct bases. But the modeling project for this force will the converting a Hydra Flak Tank from a Hydra Platform and and unfinished Griffon Mortar tank. I've wanted to do this conversion for years, and maybe now I can get to it...
This list also includes one of my favorite tanks in the whole Imperial Guard- the Executioner! Packing a main gun that drops 3 Plasma-templates on you, backed up by two more Plasma Cannons and a random Lascannon, this tank pumps out some real armour-ignoring firepower. This particular model was the display model before GW put up the Advance Orders for it, so it's been around for a bit. Let's hope that makes the crew veteran-skilled...
Light Infantry Force, 1982 points
This list again uses no repeats (I have WAY too many Guard), and is pretty much just the rest of my infantry. I found that I ran out of points before I could include more of my many, many tanks. But upon reflection, I found this list has some really cool strategic elements. I first named it the 'Special Operations Force,' but I didn't think that was wholly appropriate. In any case, it gave me the chance to use my Storm Troopers. I think the unit is overpointed, but I do love me some 'Glory Boys!'
HQ- Commissar Lord with Power Sword (80 pts)
Elite- 5 Ratling Snipers (50 pts)
Elite- 10 Storm Troopers with Power Sword and 2 Plasma Guns (205 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber and extra armour (80 pts)
Elite- 10 Storm Troopers with Power Sword and 2 Meltaguns (195 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber and extra armor (80 pts)
Troop- Infantry Command Squad with 2 Meltaguns and led by Captain Al'Raheem (120 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Subber (65 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Power Weapon and Meltagun (70 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber (65 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Meltagun (60 pts)
--Chimera with Heavy Stubber (65 pts)
Troop- Infantry Command Squad with Bolt Pistol, 3 Flamers, and a Heavy Flamer (67 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Flamer and Mortar (60 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Flamer and Mortar (60 pts)
-Infantry Squad with Flamer and Mortar (60 pts)
Fast Attack- 3 Scout Sentinels with Multi-lasers (105 pts)
Heavy Support- Demolisher with Heavy Bolter sponsons and Heavy Stubber (195 pts)
Heavy Support- Vanquisher with Lascannon and Plasma Cannon sponsons (210 pts)
Fortification- Aegis Defense Line and Quad-gun (100 pts)
Funny enough, this force is more 'ready to play' than the other two. All I have to do for this one is build the Vanquisher turret. The Mortars are based incorrectly, but I'm sure my opponents won't care too much (especially after I point out how much of an advantage it could be for them). But this list is just fun. I'd also like to add that taking this force up to 2,500 points includes a Punisher (and there's my giant gatling gun!), a Vendetta gunship (so there's my flyer requirement), a Primaris Psyker to do some damage, and another squad of Scout Sentinels (Death Korps like to ride now). Oh yeah...
And there you have it! A couple army lists for your critique. Let me know what y'all think about playing against these lists. Tell me how you think they would perform in your area's 'meta.' And, of course, Happy Gaming!