Saturday, March 23, 2019

What are they warding?

  Another unit down, this time with significantly more gems than the last unit...

  This unit took me about the same time as each of the other units- eight hours over a couple of days with the longest parts being the red skirts and the weapon hafts.  Realistically, this scheme can be accomplished in only a couple of hours, but I'm terribly lazy and not a fast painter anymore.  That's why I chose such a simple paint scheme to begin with and it has served me well so far.

  In the case of this unit, just like the Allarus Terminators in the last post, I found the axe-blades to be my favorite part of painting these models.  This unit also showed me just how many gems I needed to be ready to paint, and they made a ton of difference.

Custodian Wardens
  Wardens are the most stoic of guards, standing sentinel over the most sacred or mundane sites with the silent wisdom that comes with their station.  Their stoicism even sees them fighting well beyond their mortal wounds until they can't complete their duty any longer.

  For just over 180 points, you get three models with

  • Three wounds at T5 and with a save of 2+/5++
  • A 6+ 'feel no pain'
  • Four attacks at S8, -2 AP, and D3 damage
  • The Misericordia dagger giving an extra attack already built in! 
  They may not be totally impressive on paper, but they can really put some wounds on something between the number and strength of their attacks.  Not much more than Custodian Guard, but not to be discounted are these guys.  

Credit to

Still more to come!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Terminators in gold!

  So my camera had some technical difficulties last week and that kept from posting in a bit.  Sorry about that.  I didn't fall off of my projects and I'm actually done, but I couldn't post about it until I figured out how to work those technical difficulties away. 

  Here's the next unit of my Custodes painted using the techniques I shared in the original post.  The hardest part of painting these guys was the large flapping skirts they have on.  Close behind was definitely the weapon hafts. 

On the back of the champion, or the model that would be built as a Captain, is a cool design.  Unfortunately, I didn't think about it and ended up with a normal trooper AND a Captain (another post) rocking the fancy filigree.  On this one, I chose to simply ignore the design...

  The rest of the models were pretty easy to paint and only took me a total of around eight hours (spread over three days) for the unit.  Layering up the red and highlighting the weapon haft certainly took the longest time.  My favorite part of painting these models was definitely the axe-blades.  It's like that shape is made for this kind of highlighting and comes out beautifully. 

  Now for the rules part:
Allarus Custodians
  These are the 'killers' of the Adeptus Custodes.  The Allarus are made up of troops that the Shield-Captains realize are a bit aggressive and they are given the means to capitalize on that aggression.  With Terminator armor and the powerful weapons of the Custodes at their disposal, squads of Allarus are held and deployed when sudden fury is needed to break the enemy.  They are so aggressive, in fact, that the units rarely stay together and the terminators often go alone to annihilate their enemies. 
  For almost 240 points, you get three models with

  • Four wounds each with a save of 2+/5++
  • Four attacks with a Strength 8, AP -1, Dmg D3 axe that hit on 2+
  • Shooting with an assault grenade launcher with D3 shots at 12" and -3 AP
  • and the ability to deep strike, consolidate towards characters, and use a strategem to become one-man units after deploying
  Allarus may not be necessary in the already-elite Custodes army, but they certainly put out some hurting on the enemy regardless.  

  More units to follow!