This'll be a first for the 'ol Workshop. Today, I'm going to post my an army list and ask for y'all's feedback. Over the last week (since I've posted about my Chaos and started that whole process) I've written and rewritten my army list a thousand times. Last night, around 4:30 in the morning, I finally stumbled upon a list I think I'm happy with.
There are a couple of things that I gotta throw out there first, so I don't get alot of feedback that I can't use. Here were my 'principles' when writing this list:
I have a ton of warriors, knights, and marauders. I have zero trolls, ogres, dragon-ogres, and only a couple of spawn. I DO have a giant and a shaggoth, which both also rule.
I wanted to include more than three units (my last list was awesome, but only had three units and a war machine. That's just not enough doods.)
I wanted to include Valkia the Bloody. She's awesome.
At first, I wanted to use all models with a Mark of Khorne. Unfortunately, that's too many points and severely reduces my model count. I don't like any of the other gods enough to spend too many points on, so I finally settled on a non-marked army. That being said, the obvious worship of Khorne is there. If only because I said so. Take that!
So finally, here's the army list:
2502 Warriors of Chaos
Lord (16.4%)
-Valkia the Bloody 410 pts
Hero (12%)
-Level 2 Sorcerer with mark of Nurgle and dispel scroll 165 pts
-Level 2 Sorcerer with scroll of shielding 135 pts
Core (26%)
-18 warriors w/shields, full command, and banner of rage 353 pts
-24 marauders w/shields, light armor, and full command 164 pts
-18 marauders w/shields, light armor, and full command 140 pts
Special (24%)
-10 chosen with great weapons, full command, helm of many eyes, and war banner 300 pts
-10 chosen with add'l hand weapons, full command, favour of the gods, and banner of wrath 290 pts
Rare (22%)
-Dragon Ogre Shaggoth with great weapon 285 pts
-Hellcannon 205 pts
-Spawn 55 pts
Let me know what you guys think.