If you haven't heard or read the news, I'm gonna post the Bell of Lost Souls links below so you can catch up. Especially useful is the converted price list for this year's price adjustment.
What's the deal? Well, there's three things happening right now:

Okay, now I get to actually say my part about the two REAL issues here.
I think I'm gonna be just like everyone else here and just rage against the machine. After all, we know that GW is the most evil empire to ever sell games in the history of mankind, and these decisions prove it. I mean, when the entire blogosphere and every hobby-buddy I've ever made says the same thing, it must be the correct opinion. GW has consistently, for years and years and years, made decisions that directly screwed over their customers. Let's look at these things:
1987- GW released a poorly-bound book called Rogue Trader, followed by 4 years of the most horrendous models ever made. Luckily, they were cheap and made of lead...
1991- GW released the 2nd edition of Warhammer 40k, forcing people to buy more than 12 models and actually play large-scale(ish) battle games. The rules were better, the models were better, but every damned thing released was red. Everything.
199x- GW completely halted production of all metal models. New international laws regarding lead and its use in manufactoring forced GW to switch to bright pewter. The lack of supply was long, and then everything was increased in price. The age of 'Price Creep' began.
1998- GW releases 40k 3rd edition, which completely slaughtered the game and destroyed any hope of good rules ever again. The codices were thin and useless but the models actually became good. Really good, especially for plastics. Unfortunately, the size of armies increased again and, along with prices, made the hobby super-expensive.
Early 2000's- Models started the switch to plastic. Gone were the days of walls and walls of metal blisters for heavy weapons troops. The plastic squad boxes increased in number and price. New codices were released that completely destroyed the balance of the game. I can't believe anything survived.
2001- GW makes the fatal mistake of purchasing the rights to the Lord of the Rings for a new wargame. The rules are elegant and perfect for all scales of gaming, but only nerds like LotR. GW makes tons of money and holds onto LotR many years later after nobody plays it.
200x- GW stops selling to online retailers, forcing trade accounts to maintain 'brick and mortar' locations. Although GW's lawyers and reps defined it as an attempt to get retailers to support the product properly, customers still see it as a money grab. Add the constant increase in prices and GW just can't do right.
2000s- GW continues to release new editions of the 40k game, codices, and models. Players see straight through the ruse to force people to buy new models and rules and ebay/discount websites gain popularity. The age of 'Codex Creep' began.
2004- GW decides to stop openning mall shops in North America and focus on hobby centers with tables and hobby space for customers. Unfortunately, the hobby centers focus on running skill-building and non-competitive events. Customers see this as GW trying to get rid of veteran gamers by not running tournaments and such. And now that customers have to drive somewhere other than the mall the effort isn't worth it and the few customers left complain bitterly about the price of gas...
2008- GW stops selling bitz. Although less than 2% of the parts cast are ever ordered in any real quantities, customers are sure that GW is throwing away a huge revenue-earner. Without bitz, GW's model kits become more important than ever. Again, another attempt at forcing customers to buy more models, and again the community sees.
2008- GW stops running Grand Tournaments in North America. Despite nearly 0% satisfaction with the years of GTs running up to now, customers are angry. GW claims that they couldn't afford to run them anymore, but it's quickly pointed out that the tickets for a GT are $100!
2009- GW shrinks all staff in hobby centers and relocates Gamesday to Baltimore only.
2010- GW's North American Headquarters is moved to Memphis. The staff are almost completely wiped out, leaving the Hobby Centers in a new state of affairs. Huge swathes of the community, most who hate GW's stores, see this as an attempt to get rid of veterans.
2011- Gamesday is moved to Chicago. Metal models are stopped and replaced with resin to be sold for more. GW stops selling to the southern hemisphere.
See? Obviously evil. I mean, it's obvious that they're only after cash. And not in the cute way that this cat is after cash:
As to the Finecast Line, I've known about this for months now (it's nice having friends). I've been pumped for quite some time now. GW claims that this move is because metal is just too expensive and the price is difficult to project (being one of those dagnabbin' commodities and all). By replacing the models with resin, they'll save money in transportation weight alone, much less the cost of materials. Here's the bad part:

There is a good part though:

When I finally looked at the list to see the price changes, I was neither surprised nor shocked. I DO believe in the Evil Empire theory (to an extent), but I don't think GW is trying to screw the community over. So the stuff is more expensive? It wasn't before? So resin is going to be harder to work with than metal? Were the metal models easy before? C'mon, it ain't that bad...
Of course, if you think about it, there seems to be alot of merit here. The Hobby Centers are no longer staffed to be effective community centers. That was to make the retail division profitable finally, but it did result in the termination of a few hundred jobs. The models are becoming so expensive that only middle-class adults with expendable income can afford to play. And the resin models will be too difficult for young kids to manage. Is GW trying to make this hobby more elite? Is GW tired of all the customers and the troubles they bring?
Final thought: For those of you that are selling off all your GW stuff and are refusing to ever follow GW again- way to let the terrorists win! The irony is that the loudest bitching about the price increases is from people who own everything GW ever made. The sad part is that the people that are selling off their collections and dumping the hobby have many huge forces. Just remember this: you don't need the company to play the game. You don't need to buy more to enjoy what you already have (except books)...