"Remember when I noted that our old captain was a 'natural'? His ego and abilities would not let him suffer defeat for long and his brothers followed him for that reason alone. After all, glory is contagious.
"The battle for the fuel station was a black eye on Sicarius' plan and he wouldn't allow his company to be punished for it. The strategic importance of this location was clear and mission was not going to end in this result. Captain Sicarius gathered us all together and formulated the plan..."
The Ultramarines were absolutely demolished in the
last battle and they had to do something. With the goal of recapturing the fuel station and this being the last battle of this narrative, this battle was very important to them. The Death Guard have a devastating force with that artillery and they turned out to be the focus and extremely valuable in every force. But the Daemon Prince was enjoying his newly painted glory as well, which only added to the battle's stress.
Forces and Battlefield
Ultramarines had to win. But my son needed some reinforcement for his win before, so it wasn't going to be easy. Just like the
rest of the narrative, we used the same terrain and same lists at 1500 points. This time, we played the mission "Crusade" from the Chapter Approved 2019. In this mission, players just have to control as many objectives as they can and they gain the victory points at the beginning of each player turn. I love these new missions because the timing of scoring introduces some tactics to the game...
In this mission, the Ultramarines were the attacker (as befitting the force trying to retake what they lost) and had to deploy first. The Death Guard chose the short edges as the deployment zone, finding the long distance between forces beneficial in this fight. With that in mind, the loyalists deployed all the speedy elements together to make a mad dash in one direction or another.

The Land Raider took up the center while the Rhinos and Assault Squad flanked it. The Scouts were deployed on the hill to the flank and taking advantage of the rocks to add to their cover saves. The concept of holding objectives was going to be hard to actualize considering the battlefield. Sicarius didn't have enough forces to make objectives the priority.

The Death Guard didn't need to be creative in their deployment and simply clustered all the artillery and Helbrute behind the hill in their zone. Squads of Death Guard stood forward, ready to stagger towards objective points and otherwise harass the Imperials. Most importantly, the Daemon Prince, his Deathshroud Terminators, and more Death Guard deployed across from the Scouts and planned to make a swinging attack into the Ultramarines. Holding two objectives and easily threatening the other two meant the Chaos army had the advantageous position for sure.
Deployment |
The Ultramarines, being the attacker, got to take the first turn. Interestingly, the winner of the 'attacker/defender' rolloff has won the previous two battles so far...
Battle Round 1

Not wasting any time, Sicarius ordered all of his forces to move up as fast as possible. The Assault Squad and Chaplain immediately took cover under the fuel platform while the transports all moved up and took firing positions. Only the Rhino on the Ultramarines left flank advanced, looking to take one of the objective points before the Death Guard could. Downrange, assault cannons and storm bolters destroyed a single Plague Marine escorting the Daemon Prince while the Land Raider opened up a Lascannon fusilade into the Helbrute, blowing it to smithereens. That earned the loyalists First Strike!
Ultramarines, Turn 1 |

In the Death Guard turn, all the infantry and the Daemon Prince slowly moved up and the entire army focused on unleashing their own firepower into the loyalists. The Plagueburst Mortars opened up their trademark artillery and anti-tank weapons into the Rhinos and furthest Scouts. The vehicles survived the onslaught but four of the Scouts were finally slain. Even their camo cloaks and covered positions couldn't protect them from all of the incoming shells. Only the Sergeant survived, but his discretion took over and he quit the battlefield!
That's right, even with And they shall know no fear, I rolled a six twice and fled, earning the Death Guard First Srike as well:
Death Guard, Turn 1 |
End Battle Round 1- Ultramarines 1, Death Guard 1 |
Battle Round 2

Sicarius had to put all of his tactical expertise to work this turn, having gained no points at the beginning of the round but needing to score in upcoming turns to keep the battle close. The Tactical Squad disembarked from the lonely Rhino and immediately split up- one combat squad moved forward to engage the Death Guard holding the objective, the other combat squad advanced backwards into the woods to claim an objective and set up a defensive position, and the Rhino moved away to block out those maneuvers from the enemy. Their firepower quickly saw the end of the nurgle marines there. The Chaplain roared in after the dust cleared and began thumping heretics, so that flank seemed held.

On the other side of the battlefield, Sicarius, the Librarian, and some Tactical marines disembarked and ordered the vehicles to form a wall of iron around them. Sicarius wanted to keep the initiative as long as he could, using as many creative measures as he could to keep the enemy at his call. The tanks opened up their firepower and easily mowed down the Plague Marines and even two of the Deathshroud Terminators, leaving only the Daemon Prince, a Plaguecaster, and their trusty bodyguard standing...
The Assault Squad abandoned their Chaplain and, with the help of his prayers, leapt straight into combat with the artillery in the backfield. The ferocity of their attack was blunted by the huge distance they had to travel and the damage was minimal. But the Ultramarines would be safe from some of the artillery for a turn, and that was key to any victory against these Death Guard.
Ultramarines, Turn 2 |
All of Sicarius' acumen meant nothing to the Death Guard. They already held two objectives at the beginning of the turn and that gave them an immediate advantage. Now the battle could be focused on knocking Ultramarines off and clearing the battlefield, just like last battle...

The artillery simply retreated and allowed for a unit of Plague Marines and a Lord of Chaos to react. The Plague Marines closed and shot up most of the Assault Squad, trying desperately to finish off the stubborn sergeant with a well-timed power fist. But they remained locked up for a moment. Meanwhile, the Lord of Chaos understood that his marines had this and crested the hill looking to join the Daemon Prince's glory.

The Plague Surgeon and other Plaguecaster kept the Chaplain busy for a moment, knowing that he was usually the champion of this force and allowing their Daemon Prince and escort to wreak havoc on the other flank. And wreak havoc they did- the Plaguecaster charged into the combat squad and distracted them while the Daemon Prince and terminator charged into the Razorback with an eagerness to get at Sicarius. With a swing of his scythe, the Deathshroud Terminator destroyed the damaged Razorback and then consolidated into the Land Raider. In an instant, the two warlords eyed each other with few obstacles.
Death Guard, Turn 2 |
Battle Round 2- Ultramarines 1, Death Guard 3 |
Battle Round 3
Already behind, the Ultramarines needed to start scoring points fast and constantly. Luckily, they held four this round and were able to make up some ground pretty fast. But there was work to be done on this battlefield this day...
That work started when the Assault Sergeant was felled in his attempt to lock up the artillery. With that, the Ultramarines had a sudden sense of urgency. The force's left flank was finally cleared by the combat squad and Rhino there, allowing the survivors to begin their advance on the now-free artillery positions.

The other flank saw the Land Raider trying to fire through the scrum it retreated from and causing no real damage. The scrum was where the action was centered. The Librarian, trying to block for the Land Raider, charged the terminator and immediately cut it down. The Tactical Squad retreated from the Plaguecaster and let lose, wounding the psyker and anticipating their captain's upcoming duel. Sicarius, not needing to be urged, stepped forward and declared a challenge to the Daemon Prince...
Powering up his Talassarian Blade and smiling at the fight, the captain charged in and swung with all of his might. Unfortunately, the Daemon Prince was wise to the duellist's style and easily avoided harm. The daemon's return blows easily crushed the commander down. Displaying his heroism, Sicarius fought even as he fell, finally wounding the prince. But it wasn't enough. Just like that, Sicarius was fallen again! The Librarian immediately stepped in to shield the fallen lord.
Ultramarines, Turn 3 |

Despite the fallen captain's plans, the Death Guard still firmly held two objective points and earned Slay the Warlord, so they easily kept pace. Their reaction began with the Plague Marine squad that ingloriously finished the Assault Squad turned their attention and shot down the combat squad heading their way. With the Plague Surgeon stubbornly keeping the Chaplain locked down, it seemed that the Ultramarines' left flank was lost. A transport and a hero were likely not enough. The other flank saw the Plaguecaster be crushed by the combat squad he charged, only for the Lord of Chaos to descend from the hill and slay all the loyalists in return. The lord shuffled into the Land Raider and grinned to the Daemon Prince just in time to see the prince backhand the Librarian to death. The right flank seemed lost as well...
Meanwhile, the artillery rained overhad and continued to punish the marines in the woods, hoping to unseat them from that point. There were few forces left on either side, but it seemed the Death Guard were well in control of the battlefield.
Death Guard, Turn 3 |
Battle Round 3- Ultramarines 5, Death Guard 6 |
Battle Round 4
The Ultramarines luckily still controlled half of the objective points, so the battle wasn't completely lost yet. To prove this, the forgotten Veterans piled out of the Land Raider and immediately set into the Daemon Prince, bent on retrieving their fallen commander. Very quickly, they crushed the enemy commander and earned Slay the Warlord. And it was exactly at that moment that the Chaplain finally escaped the cursed medic and moved to join those Veterans.
But that all the Ultramarines could muster. The transports and combat squad tried to cause some damage to the advancing Plague Marines and artillery but simply didn't have enough resources. It was now a battle to 'hold out' as long as possible...
Ultramarines, Turn 4 |

The Death Guard were now focused on cleaning up the loyalist scum. The artillery opened up and obliterated the Veterans- revenge for taking the Daemon Prince down. The Plague Surgeon finally finished off the Rhino and claimed that objective for next turn. And the Plague Marines that were proving to be marksman moved up onto the hill and shot down the Chaplain, likely saving the Lord.
Death Guard, Turn 4 |
Battle Round 4- Ultramarines 9, Death Guard 8 |
Battle Round 5
While the Ultramarines' plan had earned them the lead, it wasn't enough considering they had very few units left on the field. In fact, they could only claim one objective point. All the training they'd received on tactics had to come into play just to hold on and gain every inch of ground.
The Land Raider started by opening up and frying the Lord of Chaos and eliminating that vicious daemon blade finally. With that distraction, the forgotten Tactical Squad disembarked form the surviving Rhino in the rear and dashed towards to woods to retake that objective. It was all in the hope...
Ultramarines, Turn 5 |
The Death Guard now held two objectives, tying the score. From this point, the force of Chaos could only consolidate their position and spend as much ammunition as they could just to remove Ultramarines before the next turn.

With that, the artillery opened up again and tried to destroy the Land Raider, leaving it heavily damaged but still alive. The Plague Surgeon, creeping through the shadows of the fuel station, jumped out and assaulted the massive tank and tried to finish it off. But its armor was, despite being scorched and torn in so many places, too thick for the cursed medic's blade. There was nothing else to do and the noise of the battlefield began to die down...
Death Guard, Turn 5 |
Battle Round 5- Ultramarines 10, Death Guard 10 |

Does the game continue? With a VERY beneficial result to the Ultramarines, the game ended in a TIE! This means that the Ultramarines may not have claimed the fuel station, but they certainly kept the Death Guard from keeping control. The game really came down the same way as the previous three- the artillery were the deciding factor. Either the Plagueburst Mortars were neutralized and the Ultramarines won or they weren't and the Death Guard crushed the boyz in blue. We tried to make this about the newly-painted Daemon Prince vs. Captain Sicarius and the 'old-school' marines. Unfortunately, Sicarius isn't consistent enough to be the beast of that Daemon Prince.
"Sicarius is every bit the hero you read about. Our former Captain earned our company glory even in situations where he could have lost us everything. His ability to quickly plan and react was legendary and his courage was beyond even his ability. The lessons learned in this campaign were important for not only him, but for you, young marine, to learn.
"Remember that even the greatest heroes can find themselves in situations they can't win. But a space marine knows no fear and always acts as the vengeance of the Emperor. Let's look at this battle again...
"The fuel station is important to the invading forces and Sicarius knew this. He immediately organized a force that capitalized on the enemy's weakness and identified his primary target. After easily knocking the enemy from their positions, he was unprepared for the counter-attack and his forces suffered for it. Running out of time, he consolidated the forces and attacked again, willing to sacrifice everything understanding the importance of his mission. Captain Sicarius did not give up. And he took that fuel station from the Death Guard.
"Can you imagine the situation Ultramar would be in if that staging point was held by the enemy right now? Remember this as we wage war across the realm against these heretics. See how the actions of our former Captain put us in a strategic advantage even today? And all without regard for anything except courage and honour.
"Captain Sicarius is a legend for a reason, young marine..."