It's time to revisit that old column, Full Frontal. In these articles, I directly compare the multiple patterns or versions of some wargear and rank them. Today's article happens to be about the vaunted Predator Tank.
As a Blood Angels player, I have access to up to six of these battle tanks, giving me alot of options. Most space marine armies can only have three and then still don't have access to the Baal patterns. For this article, I'm going to assume that I'm playing my Blood Angels, or that ALL space marines have access to all versions (minus the supercharged engines, of course). Let's get started:
Predator Mk 1

In fact, in the modern era of tank combat, this version of the predator is both cheap and effective. The lascannons are obvious tank-busters, but the autocannon does have the stopping power to ruin most transports' days. Add the ballistic skill of the space marine gunners and you have a powerful armored bohemoth.
There was a point I thought this tank was as stupid as it gets, but I've since changed my mind and I rank it pretty good.
Predator Destructor

Overall, I rank it as okay.
Predator Annihilator

I rank the Annihilator as Awesome-sauce. It's almost never not worth it.
Baal Predator

I rank the Baal Predator as okay, although its place in the BA codex really ups it to awesome-on-a-stick.
Firestorm Baal Predator

The turret mounts a flamestorm cannon which fires the most powerful flamethrower gout known to mankind. The inferno is so hot the even power armor melts under it. The sponsons are usually armed with heavy bolters like the Baal pattern, but heavy flamers can be taken as well. This much fire is more than a match for the enemy's infantry squads, and the tank is relatively cheap as well.
Overall, I rank this Predator as cool-as-hell. Mostly because it shoots hell onto people, and that's just cool.
To finally summarize
I like the Predator tanks, especially with the wide variety of choices. Although I don't often use them in most of my marine armies, my Blood Angels would be no fun without them. My favorites aren't always the most tactical version, but I'm willing to rank them this way from top to bottom:
1. Predator Annihilator
2. Flamestorm Baal Predator
3. Predator Mk I
4. Baal Predator
5. Predator Destructor
And with that, I'm gonna go build a new tank for one of my armies...
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