Thursday, February 13, 2025

Laying down on the job


  As the rubble collapses, new territories become open to exploration and claim.  As the Delaque and Goliath gangs crawled through these recently-revealed areas, they found an ancient construction and each other.  As is the way in the Underhive, the battle soon started.  

  High atop the battlefield sat a single gang relic- an ossuary hiding the controls for this construct and conspicuously presenting itself as the 'throne' for the area.  The goal for each of the gangs in this battle is to claim that relic while killing as many of the enemy as possible.  

  Okay, that's enough with the narrative!  Notice that I changed the terrain yet again for these guys; I was putzing around in the garage and found all my Necromunda boxes from 1995- two sets!  It's been a long time and I wanted to show the group the roots of the most expensive part of this game.  That's right- if you haven't played this game before, you'll find that the terrain is easily the largest cost!  Beyond that, I needed to show the guys some of the real mission rules rather than always playing 'Kill and 12', so I adapted the rules for the Border Skirmish scenario (the new default for this edition?).  That also included a 'Custom (3+d3) Selection', which everyone seemed to really like!

  My opponent for this battle had already played against another buddy of mine using the gang that I was going to use.  Our buddy wanted to see someone else use his gang to observe (he's finally figuring everyone out and is excited to see what he's missing) and my opponent was on a tear and beating everyone he played.  My turn...

Goliath Deployment

  The Goliath rolled for their custom size and only got four.  Worse, they had no leader or champions at all- nothing but chads for this fight!

Delaque Deployment
   The Silent Ones rolled up for their custom crew and they got 6, including the sniper (Mandoth), the Psy-gheist, and the Nacht-ghul.  No leader and a sniper for leadership?  Well, we have more!

  Admittedly, I was up all day and night (see my post about my brother coming over), so my memory of the events may not be clear.  There were some fantastic moments and I'll describe them specifically, but I'm just going to slap some pictures here.  Everyone was moving up and trying to slow the other gang's advance, with most of the action happening on the ground floor.  

  Brakk and Trembrah found themselves facing each other through a bulkhead and each spent the battle trying to take the other out.  Much like a scene from any good shooter movie (think 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'), the two exchanged rounds and ducked between trigger-pulls, each taking turns being pinned.  

  The Delaque, being the smarter crew in the area, was wholly focused on getting to that relic.  While the rest of the snakes moved from shadow to shadow and fired for suppression against the brutes, the Psy-gheist effortlessly climbed up to the top layer and dashed.  Luckily, none of the brutes could see him from this angle as he was stuck halfway across the bridge.  Looking around to make sure he was unseen, he continued his moves.  

  As soon as the Psy-gheist reached the platform with the relic, he dove for cover so that he wouldn't be shot.  Only one more round...
  Little did the psyker realize that he was, in fact, seen by one of the Goliaths.  Nox the Ripper quietly celebrated and climbed up the ladder to charge the unsuspecting Delaque.  With a swing of his spud-jacker, he sent the mechanically-armed ganger to his doom.  "That's what happens when you lay down on the job!"

  While the battle roared below and after the arrival of the Nacht-ghul to relieve the pressure from some of the Silent Ones, Iagorth and Daendreth charged up the ladder to take turns beating on the brute and finally taking him down.  It was a vicious fight on the platform, but they were hoping to steal the relic back and claim victory.  They checked the control panel and found that it had already been gene-keyed for the Goliaths- their efforts were too late!

  Whisperblade and Trembrah were unable to finish Brakk off, running low on ammo and patience.  The arrival of the Nacht-ghul was very welcome as he advanced from the shadows to claim his second victim with a simple coup-de-grace.  


  It was a brutal battle where the Delaque completely had the upper hand from the beginning.  With the Nacht-ghul's 'From the Shadows' rule and the Psy-gheists rapid movement, there's no way the Silent Ones should have lost.  But such is the way of a fight- one moment of feeling safe led to victory being snatched way.  Brakk embarassed the Psy-gheist and took the relic before the gang bottled off.  The Golaiths, with only one fighter left in the fight, bottled out but claimed victory in the process.  The Delaque will need to seek revenge now...

by Crabstuffedmushrooms

Happy Gaming!

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