This time, I got together with the game group with the specific plans of making them feel comfortable with the rules of the game. As I mentioned in a previous post, they seem to be interested in doing the campaign mode. But you gotta know what you're doing to do that. Even better, I get to play!
My game saw me using the Escher against one of the guys' Orlocks. I took Jelena, Tumala, Brae, Olina, Katy-kat, Murica, and another sister to provide the firepower and toxins I would need to beat these bikers. He took Rocky, Zed Hackjaw, Lander, Mo Two-fist, Grimm, another warrior, and Slate Meridian (and his cyber-mastiff) as hired guns. Effectively, the band had some firepower and two leaders! This was going to be rough.
The opening salvo started with Brae climbing to a sniper position and then opening fire on the dog as they strolled through. The cyber-mastiff was pinned but Brae's rifle used all of its power for the shot. This started a whole series of events that took five rounds to resolve...
While the Orlocks advanced, Slate and his dog recovered and moved to take out whatever just shot at them. Zed noticed the female sniper trying to reload her weapon and aimed his harpoon gun at her. As Slate closed below her position, Tumala appeared and sprayed toxic chemicals on them to slow them down. The rest of the Orlocks tried to round the building, but Jelena had anticipated this and appeared with a roaring boltgun, mowing down any of the males that deigned to appear in front of her. Zed's harpoon flew across the battlefield to pierce Brae's armor and drag her foward over a barrel and the railing to fall two stories. Somehow, with a harpoon sticking through her chest, she stood up to wipe away the blood and look around.
Rocky then decided to show, only to have Olina, Katy-kat, and the other sister pour fire down on him. Murica walked along a gantry above his pinned form and fired her plasma pistol at max power, stripping away all of his strength. While lying there, trying to recover from the severe plasma burns, he saw Brae fall from the top building, charge past the coughing Slate and his dog, and descend upon him with wild fists. Punching past the protruding harpoon, she took Rocky down with a haymaker. Grimm and Mo made quick work of her after that, but they watched their leader go down and then saw Jelena stride up to their hired gun and finish him off. The Orlocks lost their muscle, so it was time go. The Eschers gathered Brae's heroic body and claimed victory for this district.
The other game, between the other guys' Goliath and Delaque, took place in the deep tunnels of some long-forgotten complex. Rusty, often locked doors and bottomless chasms interrupted the dripping concrete walls that framed their darkeness.
This area apparently saw two battles between these two gangs. I didn't get to watch it, but I did hear about Whisperblade and another ghost failing their jump tests and falling down bottomless chasms and watched as a Nacht-ghul got shot down immediately after appearing. The second game was a bit better, but the Goliaths apparently learned how to shoot and didn't need their prodigious brutality to defeat the Delaque. Sneaky doesn't always work when there's nowhere to run and hide...
Overall, it was a very successful game night! The guys felt comfortable with the rules, another guy from the game group showed interest (and fed us like nobles to boot!), and they asked about the campaign aspects. Best, we have more ridiculous stories to tell from this world!!!
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