A couple of posts ago, I mentioned that I'm working on a some terrain and that a good buddy sent me a set to work on. I promised that I would blog about it, but I got smacked in the face by real life and I had to put it on pause for way too long. I've finally started working on it and this is both to show it off and my work-in-progress.
Only War terrain is specifically designed for 40k, but it isn't rife with the skulls that decorate the grimdark setting, meaning that the ruins can be system-agnostic. This matters if you happen to play other mini wargames but still want to fight through the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world. If you are a 40k player, this terrain is perfect for the newest scenario packs (Pariah Nexus, I think) as well as meeting the cover standards for the tournaments. For the more casual player, these are awesomely-detailed ruins that can really create that setting that drives a narrative.

After washing and priming the buildings, I decided to take some pictures to show off the detail. Now these are definitely 'printed' and you can see some the 'ribbing' if you look up close. But the detail is crisp and the printed aspects are almost impossible to see. My favorite aspect of these is the non-symmetrical aspect of everything. The bricks of the buildings are not just a grid patter, the decorations aren't just 'mirrored' from one side of the ruin to the other, and there is 'volume' to it all. Unlike the GW buildings- these aren't super-thin and actually represent how thick brick walls would be. These are very well-designed!

At this point, I had to decide how I wanted to paint these ruins. Everyone does the trusty gray (including myself , especially in that
last post about Cityfight terrain), and these buildings were certainly modeled on the old GW Cityfight terrain already, so the choice is normally obvious. But I wanted to be different. I figured to paint these buildings in a sandstone color- something that could still be gray but have a different enough tone to even stand out from the concrete grounds they stand on. So I busted out the airbrush, knowing that I need more practice and planning on it here. So far, I've simply based the buildings with the Coffee color (11344) from Anita's All-Purpose Acrylic Craft Paint. My next steps are to concoct a wash using Crayola powder (and probably around 60 years aold by now) and some kind of flow agent to weather the walls and then to start the tedious process of brush-basecoating the details. I must admit that these are far less work than the GW versions...
I will return with even more progress pictures. I'm still painting Lord of the Rings minis and have to build some terrain for that as well, so this project will have to marinate for a bit. But I'll be back with it sooner than you think! Be sure to check out
Only War terrain- I haven't even finished it yet and I'm loving it! It might even be a fun project for you too.
As always- Happy Hobbying and check out
Only War!!!
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