The changes in 40k between 8th edition and 9th edition are revealed ad nauseam all over the interwebs by now. So of course I have to add a little bit as well. One of the biggest changes to the game is how certain weapons work. And there is one big change that really burns me up...

The biggest beneficiary of the Overwatch rules in 8th edition was the underrated Flamer weapons. Being able to blast opponents charging from 8" or less with auto-hits made these weapons extremely useful- especially on defensive units (typically campers holding forward objectives). In an offensive mode, flamers required some interesting maneuvering or even the so-called 'transport tax' to ensure that they were going to get used. Which was okay, because who doesn't like burning stuff?

In 9th edition, the flamer has lost the ability to Overwatch without spending a Command Point. This means that only one unit can take advantage of the strength of the weapon, which further means that players will be extra-selective when it comes to which unit to waste this on. I have two units of Flamegressors and I used to love putting them straight out front and letting my opponent charge right at me. The fire was glorious. Now I will need to combine the units to take advantage of that. Or change the unit's role to 'offensive' and pay that transport tax.
Now all is not lost. Vehicles, Dreadnoughts, and Monsters can still fire their flamers while engaged! This is amazing and you'll see far more walking sarcophagi with underslung flamers. You'll also see Land Raider Redeemers actually hit the table once in a while- especially for the boyz-in-blue!
On that note, Ultramarines maintain their top-level ranking among the Astartes because of that Chapter Tactic that allows them to still fall back and shoot. In 9th, units that fall back can do NOTHING else. They can't even cast psychic powers, much less shoot or charge again. But the Ultramarines... yeah. This means that my Flamegressor units are still vicious, having teeth that other colors of marines lose now. And I enjoy that, obviously.
Much like most of my complaining with this edition, it's not really a big deal. But I hate to see the oft-forgotten flamer fall to the wayside like it did for so many editions previously. 8th edition really brought it back into the fray as a legitimate weapons option and I worry now that 9th is going to re-retire it. I like my flamers. And my wife, with her infantry-based army of Sisters of Battle, really likes hers as well. Now to get up the nerve to tell her...
Let me know what you think or if you already realized this and I'm just late to the party. Until next post, Happy Gaming!
Public Service Disclaimer- Please note that I IN NO WAY condone setting things on fire in the real world. This is just a game and representative of the horrors of war in a grim and dark universe. Setting things on fire in real life is known as arson and is classified as a crime (often a felony). I will not be held responsible for any actions or threats from arsonists or pyromaniacs instigated by this, or any, post.
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