After getting many warbands painted for an Underworlds spree, I finally returned to those Chaos Marines. I'm thinking if I can finish this army by the end of the month, I might be able to meet my goal...
Chaos Space Marines
This unit costs less than 100 points (maybe FAR less, depending on the Chapter Approved) and brings just a little bit of pain. With only five marines, the squad depends on cover (especially in ruins or woods) and provides that heavy weapon support for the advancing portions of the army. Even better, they make great 'campers'- claiming objectives in the backfield.
At Toughness 4 and with a 3+ save (2+ in cover), they force the opponent to have to commit to killing them, which can be frustrating to the opponent with only 5 wounds. The Missile Launcher allows the squad to engage any target, from armored to massed infantry, and that range works very well with the Boltguns. And when the squad doesn't move, they get to shoot those bolters twice out to max range- that's some firepower! Finally, the Aspiring Champion (squad leader) is armed with a Chainsword, giving him another attack on top of his leader bonus- that's three attacks at Strength 4, hitting on 3's (and don't forget "Death to the false emperor"). And remember that Chaos Marines get an extra attack when they charge or get charged, so that means four attacks and possibly more. I enjoy rolling lots of dice in a fight, especially from a fire support squad...
The ridged horns of the trooper models were so much fun to paint. Unlike the two models below, these allowed me to quickly blend the colors and still show off the texture. Painting can be so rewarding in the weirdest ways. When I was building this unit, I had to scrounge for bits. Some of this squad are made from Berserker bits, which is certainly ironic considering this unit's mission is to sit back and snipe vehicles and such...
The Aspiring Champion was a blast to paint, just for the concept of having a beast in combat for a little 'ol squad. Plus he has a more dynamic pose due to the Berserker bits noted above, and that little bit of character builds quite a bit of attachment.
The Missile Launcher marine is a 'recover' from my older versions of this army. You can notice the vehicle spikes that I lined up on an Imperial Missile Launcher to give it that 'chaos' look. The pic unfortunately shows off the opportunities in this model too well...
One more unit in this army down. Let me know what you think and what projects you have been working on lately in the comments below.
Happy Hobbying!
I never tire of looking at more painted Chaos minis. Nice work!