It has certainly been a while. Sorry about the absence- work was a real butt-kicker and school suffered for it. A shift in priorities (again) saw the blog put behind the back-burner. But now that job is done and I'm back to being the perfect student, so I figured it might be time to do this blog thing again. As always, I appreciate the patience.
During all this time, I haven't failed to get my hobby on. I just didn't have the time to put in on the site (or even take pictures). My son and I played soooo much 40k and I even had a buddy come down and whoop us on my own table. Five games and not one made it past the top of turn 2...

Speaking of Speed Freaks- you see, I had started an Ork army many moons ago and was buying a few more things to beef that force up and then, well... let's just say that certain car repairs haven't been done. This was where my buddy come down from Chicago and played his Orks against me and my son. Between his experience and his army-building skills, my buddy taught us many valuable lessons. That included maximizing movement in the Charge and Pile-In moves to get the most attacks and things like that.
My buddy also bet and motivated me to finally finish painting my Primarch, who's been sitting unfinished for years now. It took some effort and I have so many touch-ups to do, but at least he's done and can hit the tabletop.
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Lord Commander Guilliman |

And I admit we've been doing some other games as well. We played some DnD and everyone leveled up. My brother is even DMing for the first time and I have to note that he's pretty good at it (he's so patient, which is a really good trait to have in a DM, I'd say). And my son was rewarded a Hammer of Thunderbolts for his birthday- his Dragonborn clan seems to take birthdays seriously!
Now I've made a plan with my buddy to finish my Ultramarines army this year. Considering that I haven't painted anything for the force since... a long time ago, this is going to take a bit. The Vigilus campaign rules make for a great starting point, but this means that I have to paint up a lot of Intercessors. Not hard, but I really feel like I've painted enough marines in my life. Unfortunately for me, my son has painted his entire Death Guard army (and is working on Mortarion as I type this) and I've run out of excuses. This shall be the year of power armor made with lapis lazuli, I declare!
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Image from IndiaMART on Google Images |
So what do you plan to be working on this year?
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