The rules changes that I showed in the last post were the 'big ones'. There were many smaller changes that were dropped into each of the individual forces that are easy to miss. That is, of course, unless you're playing one of those armies and suddenly those smaller changes become a bit bigger. I have been working on my Word Bearers of late and there's some things that definitely got me. I'll get into that in a bit. But first, I want to talk about a rules clarification or two that affects everyone and actually don't make a lot of sense to me.
The most impactful one, and the change that has the internet aflame, is the clarification about units charging units on platforms (or in ruins and such). Here's how the FAQ reads:
"Q: If a unit declares a charge against an enemy unit that is entirely on the upper level of a terrain feature such as a ruin, Sector Mechanicus structure, etc., but it cannot physically end its charge move within 1" of any models from that unit (either because there is not enough room to place the charging unit, or because the charging unit is unable to end its move on the upper levels of that terrain feature because of the expanded terrain rules for it – as with ruins, for example), does that charge fail? A: Yes."

Next, in dealing with Reserves (already the biggest contention in the FAQs), we find that effects such as the Auspex for the Space Marines can't be used against transported units. Here's how it reads: "Q: If the unit arriving as reinforcements has another unit embarked inside it which must disembark after it has been set up (such as units embarked within a Drop Pod, or a Tyrannocyte), can the firing unit shoot at the unit as it disembarks? A: No – though the unit can shoot at the Drop Pod/ Tyrannocyte before the units inside disembark."

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't toss this oldie out there:
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Yes, I mean that in both reference to the Drop Pod immunity and the general feelings about this FAQ. Now that it's out of my system, let's continue.
The single biggest change, and one that has me a bit butt-hurt, is found in both the main rulebook FAQ and the Chaos Space Marines codex FAQ. It chaps my hide because I literally spent this week working on some new models for my Word Bearers, expecting to take advantage of a specific tactic and a unit that I've never used before. I had no idea that something that had already been FAQ'd was going to get changed. I didn't see this one coming at all.
As you can see, I converted my Terminator Sorcerer back to being a Terminator Sorcerer and I finally built my Warp Talons that have been waiting for their claws for about seven years. If you can't figure out my plan by now, I was going to deep strike with both units, and then cast Warp Time on them and guarantee my charge. I wasn't terribly worried about doing it on Turn 1, so the major FAQ affecting that doesn't really apply. But now it turns out that I can't do this little tactic at all!

Well dammit! For once I was planning on doing something that some may consider to be a good tactic and GW stole it from me! Like, stole it from me AS SOON as I got it! I feel like a kid who just opened his lollipop around my older brother's friends on Halloween night. That hurt. I'm actually considering writing some whiny posts on gaming forums to express my displeasure because I'm so mad.
Okay, I've expressed my displeasure with the FAQs as well. Nobody can blame me for being a "GW Apologist" or just plain partisanship. I, too, have my problems. But overall, I wasn't effected by the FAQs and I don't think they were anywhere near as bad as people are making them out to be. I love 40k. I'll keep playing it. I just won't get to threaten people with my clawed daemonic bat-win crazy guys like I wanted. Maybe I'll build some bikes...
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I like 40k! |
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