We rolled up mission and deployment, getting the Scouring and Hammer and Anvil. Luckily, it was 1000 points and a 4x4 table, so the deployment turned out no different than the standard 12". To finish it all off, we apparently chose to fight just before sunrise, so Night Fight was in full effect for turn 1. He won the deployment roll and chose to let me deploy and go first.
My army
Spiritseer with Conceal and Protect powers
9 Dire Avengers with Exarch wielding Diresword
10 Dire Avengers with Exarch wielding Shimmershield and Power Sword
9 Rangers
5 Warp Spiders with Exarch wielding Power Blades and twin-linked Death Spinnners
10 Swooping Hawks with Exarch with Hawk's Talon
5 Dark Reapers with Exarch with Missile Launcher and Fast Shot

Warsmith with Power Axe
Daemon Prince of Khorne with Power Armour, Wings, and Black Mace
6 Chosen with Power Fist, Lightning Claw pair, Power Axe, and Power Maul
Helbrute wielding Multi-melta
10 Cultists with Flamer and Champion
10 Cultists with Heavy Stubber and Champion wielding Shotgun
10 Chaos Marines with Meltagun and Flamer, and Champion wielding Power Fist and Plasma Pistol
I deployed my Dark Reapers into some ruins on the Southwest corner of the battlefield, and deployed a unit of Dire Avengers near the building as support. The Rangers hid in the shadows of the trees in the center, taking full advantage of their ability to infiltrate. The smaller unit of Dire Avengers, led by the Spiritseer, set up behind a stone wall on the southeast corner of the field, overlooking an old building that they knew was going to be a shield for the enemy. Finally, the Warp Spiders deployed behind the ruins where the Reapers were located, planning on warp-jumping forward and killing whatever came through that flank. It was obvious that the western side of the battlefield was the focus for the aliens. The Spiritseer had ordered the Swooping Hawks to remain hidden until the 'right time', leaving them in reserve.
My buddy deployed his mechanical Daemon Prince and Helbrute to the northeast side, behind the very building that the Eldar knew was going to be an issue. Cultists took up the eastern flank of the northern hill that the balance of Chaos Marines deployed on top of. The Chosen, guarding their Warsmith, deployed to the western side of the hill. Finally, the other unit of Cultists deployed in the northwest behind a crystal forest.
There were also a number of objectives strewn about the battlefield, but they mattered little for these two forces at the moment. Hatred and bitter enmity were the motivating factors of this battle.
Battle is met!

Following the lead of the Daemon Prince, the Helbrute advanced behind the building and began the process of dividing the enemy force and bearing down on the Rangers. Luckily, he was still out of range to charge, but fired and killed one with his Multi-melta. Even the trees weren't enough protection against that kind of power. The Marines advanced slowly and fired at the closest Dire Avengers, wiping out four of the their number with accurate Bolter-fire. Under the distraction of the firepower, the Cultists to the east advanced behind the Helbrute and the Warsmith wisely moved to join the Cultists behind the crystal forest.
With all objectives held being counted, the score at the end of Turn 1 was Eldar 3 (First Blood and 2-point objective) and Chaos 6 (6 points worth of objectives).

The score at the end of Turn 2 was Eldar with 1 (First Blood) and Chaos with 4 (2-point objective, Slay the Warlord, and Fast Attack unit killed)
The Eldar had to make some headway quickly. The Swooping Hawks, embarrassed at their attempt to kill the marines, flew over the woods and swiftly assaulted the Helbrute. Some well-placed Haywire grenades brought the monstrous construct down. Gladly, the Rangers nodded in thanks to the sky borne warriors, and then fired at the Daemon Prince now advancing on their position. Again, they failed to draw an accurate bead on the beast and failed to cause any damage. The remaining unit of Dire Avengers advanced back to their former position, claimed an objective, and fired at the Warsmith and his accompanying Cultist. Only the Cultist died. It was enough to make the Warsmith lose his nerve and flee, but he thought better of it and turned around at the last moment. The Dark Reapers took aim at the recovering Cultists in the east and easily wiped them out. The Eldar finally felt safe, leaving only a Daemon Prince and the Warsmith standing from the enemy force.
The Warsmith, bleeding from a wound received in combat with the Warp Spiders, decided to wisely duck out of sight behind the crystals and just let the Daemon Prince handle the rest. The Daemon Prince, happy to oblige, charged at the Rangers in the woods. Not a single sniper round could hit him and he barreled into the treeline. The Rangers, taking advantage of their cover, primed up their Plasma Grenades and threw them at the looming monster. All the luck of Khaila Mensha Khaine went into that desperate action, and one found a weakness in his armour, dropping the monster. The xenos celebrated loudly, while the Warsmith bitterly accepted his defeat and quit the battlefield. It was a glorious day for the Eldar.
The final score, as the game was called, was Eldar 5 (First Blood and 4 points of objectives) and Chaos 2 (Slay the Warlord and Fast Attack unit killed).
With that battle, it was nice to see how the new codex works. Although luck was clearly on my side (had that Daemon Prince not died to a lucky grenade, the battle could have gone a lot worse), the Eldar showed me some good stuff. The most powerful thing I saw was the 'Battle Focus' rule. This allows for most of the Eldar units to run AND shoot at full BS. And this can be done in any order. My Dire Avengers took full advantage of this as I ran and then shot at the Daemon Prince and Marines, and later again as I shot and then ran away to keep the enemy out of range. It was nice to see how fast this army could be. Everything else is just cool, but that particular rule can be really frustrating to most opponents. As an Eldar player, I gotta say I love it. When I fight against them, I'm sure I'll cry like a baby.
My buddy really enjoyed his battle, despite losing. He wants to drop the Cultists and get more Marines, mostly for 'fluff' reasons. I assured him that it's a good idea but Cultists can be really useful. Funny enough, he played against a Chaos Marine army on Saturday with this force and stomped it into the ground. So his 'out of the box' army definitely has some potential. I fear for when he grows it some more and I have to try to beat it then. Luck isn't consistent...
Until next time, Happy Gaming!
Oh crap!!! I just found that Rangers don't have plasma grenades! I cheated to win. Sorry, Aaron! This battle should have gone on longer, apparently. Damn, I feel bad. Must. Read. Harder...
ReplyDeleteWith only the one wound left, I would have been lucky to get a draw out of that, and the conclusion would have been much less hilarious.
DeleteThe biggest thing I've had problems with out of the Chaos Space Marines army so far has been the Helldrake. That thing... just kills whatever it looks at. I had one vaporize and entire squad of Dire Avengers a couple of days ago.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Heldrakes are a real beast. That's why all the big tournies see these by the triplicate and allied armies with just enough to get one in. It's sad. But I'm thinking that the uber-sexy Eldar fighter should take care of that. :-)
DeleteOtherwise, just remove the troops from the Chaos army and it doesn't matter what they bring. They can't win, so it's all fun from there.