So I've been off the hobby train for almost a month now. Between visiting great friends and general family stuff, I just haven't had the motivation or alot of time to do any painting. I've made up for it by staying consistent on the blogs and building. Lots and lots of building of stuff. (I sense another blog article coming on already...)
Last week, I went to my LGS and dropped some High Elf bitz in a couple of guys' hands. I have a bazillion points of High Elves and they were looking for a couple of small things. It felt good. It also presented an opportunity for me- they were playing a game of Warhammer and I could watch a tiny bit of it. It was nice to see a game again.
Now I still don't wanna go to the game store and play every night, mostly because everyone is in a paid league and I HATE the concept of 'pay-to-play'. It's nothing against the shop and I used to be a part of this very same league long before I got my black carapace. But these days, especially considering how poor I currently am, that's just not a concept I can get behind anymore.

Wierd, right?
For some strange reason, building the old 2-piece Empire models by the dozens seemed so much easier than building a few more elves. And, as it turned out, I was much happier doing it. I had a couple of basic principles in mind, which were quickly discarded, and I opted for the 'civil war' style army again. I can't help it. I love cannons. I love tanks because they have cannons (though I did NOT include a steam tank in this list). I love battleships because they have LOTS of cannons. Overall, cannons pretty much rule. And I went that way with my army as well.
Without further rambling, here's the army from the front:
Here's a better view of the army from above:
And here's the army list:
- General, Dawn Armor, shield, Sword of Sigismund 163 pts
- Archmage, lvl 4, Seal of Destruction (Lore of Fire) 255pts
- Captain, full plate armor, BSB, Griffon Standard 138 pts
- Engineer, Hochland Long Rifle 85 pts
- Battle Mage, Dispel Scroll (Lore of Heavens) 90 pts
- Warrior Priest, heavy armor, second warhammer, Shroud of Magnus 148 pts
- 40 Spearmen, full command 260 pts
- Detachment: 20 Free Company 100 pts
- 10 Handgunners, marksman, Repeater Rifle 100 pts
- 12 Handgunners, marksman, Repeater Rifle 100 pts
- 10 Handgunners 80 pts
- 18 Handgunners 144 pts
- 30 Greatswords, full command, Standard of Arcane Warding 360 pts
- Mortar 75 pts
- Mortar 75 pts
- Cannon 100 pts
- Cannon 100 pts
- Helblaster Volley Gun 110 pts
Total: 2499 pts
So that's it. Please let me know what you guys think. I'm actually kinda proud of this force right now, not having used it.
Now for some gratuitous pictures:
This is my favorite Empire model in the entire line. I actually replaced my original captain AND gave up any hope of a Griffon Lord because of how awesome this model looks. That just proves that bigger is not always better...
And here's the models I painted for this army some 7 years ago. That was way back when I was in Philly and Kislev was getting some love, so I jumped on the bandwagon. But only for a short time, then the goldfish took over as it does...
Obviously, these guys are gonna get some updated love, but this is generally what I'm going for. This is my chosen color scheme for the 'Neat Army of the West, Originating from Bissendorf'. (Empire always loves to make names long...)
Happy Gaming!
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