I've done more work on my Van Saar gang. In the last post, I had only complete the base coat on the armoured bodysuits. Now, I haven't done too much more, but I've got the base colours on everything (except the hair) at this point. They've gotten two chances to battle, so they deserve to be more than shadows at this point...
The next step, after the green, is the metal. This started with Leadbelcher to basecoat all the weapons (remember, you'll paint over stuff later, so there's no need to be 'clean' at this point).
I need some contrast in the models, so I added Warplock Bronze, focusing on the plasma bits for two of the fighters, the energy-seeping ponytail-thingies, and the boot-guars (to help 'frame' the green for the eyes).
Then came the black for all the tubes and weapon-stocks.
Here's where things actually got fun and artistic! Now having a bit of the colours giving the models their identity, I had to choose how to do the weapon casings. I could go with the standard black and keep all the focus on the green armour suit. I could go with red or silver to draw the eyes straight to the weapon. I chose to go with a camo-green colour, Deathworld Forest. This is still a brighter colour then the armour, but it's also the same side of the wheel and wouldn't draw all the attention to either the weapon or armour. After laying down the base, I think it came out looking great.
Of course, all of this had to conclude with a good wash of the Nuln Oil, just to get the detail again. Rather than the drowning I normally do, I just used it to accentuate the recesses on all the metal and camo-green parts.
After all that comes the hard part- the flesh. I have the vision that Van Saar gangers are very pale (almost as pale as the Delaque House), but I wasn't sure how I wanted to do it. Right now, I've stuck with the tried-and-true Cadian Fleshtone base with a Reikland Fleshade wash. Now I need to figure out the direction I want to go. Like, a greenish 'tint' or 'tone' in the flesh to represent the radiation poisoning they all suffer...
That's it so far! Like all of my Necromunda gangs, I'm painting them slowly to make sure that I produce high quality stuff for my favoritest of favorite games! I also have a couple more projects that need to be added for my buddies- a grenade-launching Orlock and a Nacht-ghul for the Delaque to get started.
Happy Hobbying!
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