As I sit here and try to come up with something to blog about, I realize that I'm just under a truckload of stress suddenly. And this isn't the bad kind of stress- it's the sudden craziness of real life and all. Since this is a blog about my gaming hobby, I'll only touch on that real-life stuff for a minute (I promise). More importantly is the gaming stuff that I'm trying to keep up with. Let me explain:
The business I work for is a small one that is expanding at a warp-speed rate. Luckily, my bosses are all very intelligent and are keeping this going smoothly, even if it's before we technically planned for it. One of our competitors is consolidating their area and is offering a portion of their clients to us for their own transition. Then we have the 'Fair season', meaning that the business is at every event on every weekend to promote ourselves. Add to that new equipment, new employees, and new policies and you can see how time isn't as available as it used to be.
We got a call from our property company noting that the owner is selling and presenting some opportunities that we weren't prepared for. Much time is being spent on phone calls and planning so we don't end up playing 40k behind our cardboard box in the alley. On the plus side, I may be able to build out my hobby room of my dreams here soon!
Finally, my son (and regular gaming partner these days) is enjoying a long-term relationship and joining significant social activities. While I'm away at work enjoying the oppressive summer sun, he's dressing up as the Joker and going to local comic-cons to show off his newfound love of cosplay (and impressing his girlfriend). His time for gaming in the grimdark is also lacking but he's having a blast otherwise.
Now I get back to the hobby! First- I've joined another Pathfinder campaign. The last one saw me using a Rogue that fit the Inuyasha combat archetype (tons of acrobatics) but fell victim to every magical trap in every dungeon we entered. This time, I'm playing a Paladin (a GOOD one!) with the accent of Sean Connery and the need to protect everyone he's around. My dice are still unfriendly (I'm not the DM, which appears to be the trigger for which side of the die it stops on) but at least I'm not putting the rest of the party at risk with rusted lock-picking tools anymore.
The TTRPG things seems to be a theme right now as I also received more very recently. It started with my buddy paying me for helping him with his business in books- almost the entire set of Exalted 2nd edition! I've played in this world a couple of times before, normally as a human trying to survive in this world of mini-dieties as the role-playing opportunities are more fun. My buddy is also a RPG gamer and we hope, some sunny day, to be able to play together. If it's not D&D, it may be Exalted.
Keeping the theme, another buddy sent me some overstock that he had in his collection. The box randomly arrived at my door and I called him to find out what and why. He forced me to open the box and, getting over my SE7EN suspicions, I found almost the entire set of Legend of Five Rings 2nd edition RPG! The game system is awesome, using the d10 pool mechanic, and the setting is awesome as it's fantasy but set in the samurai time-period. I've played in the system before and dug it. The game also reminds me that I need to get back to the Test of Honour stuff we both have...
Now we're to the miniatures and GW wheelhouse. I realize that I've fallen behind on the Underhive stuff (or, more specifically, the Ash Wastes). The Book of the Outlands and giant cargo-hauler have been released and I forgot all about them. Of course, I also haven't built the models from the box anyway, so I'm really behind. And now there's some Goliath bikes coming out!?! They are amazing and remind me to get back to that world.
Out of the GW complex- it turns out that Hasbro has released the Frozen Horror expansion for Heroquest and I didn't see it until I watched a couple of unboxing videos for it. I love miniatures, role-playing, and fantasy and this game is where it all really came together and started. I refuse to fall behind on that one! I need to dig through the to find one at some point.
When life drives a truckload of lemons up your driveway, you need to figure out the best lemonade recipe. When life brings you a truckload of lemonade, you just start sipping and enjoying the summer days. In all of this craziness, I need to find my lawn chair...
Hopefully I'll have a batrep or hobby post soon. In the meantime, I'm living vicariously through you, the readers. Let me know what you're doing in the comments below or just commiserate on the fun of your real life. In the meantime, Happy Hobbying!