From where they came
was the Kingdom of Twain,
full of chaos and mystique.
But no arguments abound
nor was intelligence to be found
in this land of venom and intrigue.
This is the main human kingdom farthest to the west and the most established society before reaching the Outlands and worse. The large city is built on the western coast where the Purple Waters River runs into the Lady Pool Lake- a very strategic location for the humans and their westward expansion. It was settled almost three centuries ago and has now turned into one of the most important places in human history.
Early History
When the massive lake was finally explored and mapped, the various parties among the humans (especially the merchant classes) decided to set up a colony along the mouth of the river that all their societies used. Quickly, the settlers encountered elves and halflings and set up trade and mutual defense agreements. But they also encountered trolls, ogres, giants, and goblins and had to fortify the position, eventually even building a navy from an island on the river's mouth to protect the trade. Many decades later, the settlement had grown to a city with royalty and recognition for its power. But disaster struck as Orcs descended from the north in a massive wave of destruction. Only an army of all the allied races could stop them, led by a mighty human hero named Zarius. The city became his camp before the greatest engagement of the war and he brought thousands of new residents as well as entrepreneurial peoples to boost the city. The great threat was defeated and the city grew to build walls, have a standing army, and become a hub of trade from the elves and the occasional dwarf.
The last century
Because of the city's prime location on the frontier and easily accessible by waterway, it soon attracted the most powerful of the humans. The wizards came together to establish an enclave where they could share their discoveries and powers, especially since the Great War with the Orcs. The access to elves and the growing influx of dwarfs with their high-quality wares made magic and magic items common. Additionally, a great shrine was built to all the gods so that the blessings could be shared and healing keep plagues and such away. The Oracle is a long-lived resource that moved here so that she could see both the wilds and the civilized in equal measure.
The royal dynasty eventually gained control of the wizard enclave, employing them and appointing them to a special council that transformed into another defense force against their foes. Still hateful of orcs and under attack from large creatures, the ability to use magic was key to maintaining the kingdom's safety. What's more, the dynasty had the foresight to align themselves with certain underground organizations that maintained a sense of order and were tools to keep the citizenry calmed. The Twain dynasty has ruled for five generations now and their power is unrivaled outside the Amethyst Coast. This had even resulted in the kingdom sponsoring another settlement further west, but nobody remembers if it ever happened.
The last year has seen some horrible developments for such a powerful place. For some reason, trade from the west disappeared and merchants lost their livelihoods by the scores. Dwarfs and elfs suddenly stopped arriving and the Purple Waters River no longer teemed with boats full of wares like it used to. This quickly collapsed the economy and created unrest. Then an evil wizard, named Walter the White, wormed his way into the city and unleashed monstrous beasts into the streets, murdering and rampaging through the upset populace. Not long after, a rag-tag group of rebels and mercenaries incited a rebellion within the city to distract the attentions of the royal forces and city guard. This rebellion, fueled by the poor economy and the apparent uptick in shadow activities, almost succeeded and drained the city of over half its population of 12,000 in only a couple of months. Suddenly, the largest dragon of all time attacked the city and it took all the powers of the wizards' enclave to hold it back. The King is extremely stressed and seeking any and all champions to join him in defending the city and restoring order. There are bounties for traitors, monsters, and the wizard.

The economy
Merchants and traders from all the human lands would often make treks to this frontier kingdom for the rare metals and furs. Metals, forged by the dwarfs, and furs from animals found only in the Wildwood or elven lands could be purchased.
Lumber and fish are abundant and provide a stable living for most people. Less profitable but certainly attractive are the magic and medical services that area available. While stocks may be running low in most shops due to the recent developments, there are still magic shops and apothecaries to be found.
All large cities have a very large underground of drugs and alcohol, especially if that city includes a sizable military. Almost anything can be sought and bought here. The disruptive wizard even increased the drug trade with stocks from the Wildwood, which some have blamed for the rebellion.
Finally, travelers from other lands come here to sell their services, making mercenary and adventurer work often available to those seeking. This also means that there are many inns, taverns, and pubs to visit at any time. While the economy is suffering in the city today, the population decrease from the rebellion has prevented a total collapse and most are able to live well enough considering...
The military
Being a frontier kingdom requires a standing military. Twain has an army and a navy as well as a number of ancillary organizations that assist in their operation.
The navy was first and currently consists of almost a hundred sailors and four ships. While the ships are only frigates, the crews are well-trained and only the human Barony of Antes could be a threat from across the lake. There has occasionally been a spelljammer here, but it's not very often.
The army was created at the end of the war with the orcs and they specifically train to fight orcs and goblins. Normally numbering around 1,200 soldiers, the army is trained from manuals written during Zarius' crusade and experience fighting skirmishes in the Outlands. Many companies also train with the navy to be marine warriors, but there are less of them now. Because of the rebellion, desertions numbered in the hundreds and the army only currently stands at just over 700 soldiers.
The rangers are made up of the humans and a few elves that train to protect the Outlands and workers from the beasts of the wild. They are outstanding trackers and great warriors, but their specialty is in monster-hunting. They are often contracted to help the elves in their lands to the south.
The royal guard is made up of officers from noble families and mercenaries promoted due to their heroism and tactical expertise. The cadre of three dozen is mostly made up of paladins and cavaliers, making it very feared amongst the enemies and respected amongst the regular soldiers and sailors.
The wizards' enclave is a collection of three dozen powerful wizards, operating from a secret chamber deep under the royal castle. Most of the wizards choose to focus on abjuration to protect the citizens and city from all manner of threats. A few of them are Diviners, and only one is an Evoker. The seers are used for tactical planning and the offensive wizard is a member of King Twain's personal bodyguard at almost all times. They maintain their anonymity in public as they are all meant to be the final solution to the worst problems.
Shadow Organizations
There are two very powerful organizations- one that works against the odds of the city and another that works for it.
The first is known as the "Guild of the Hook" and work exclusively on the docks and through the circus. They are a group led by a shadowy authority that communicates through speaking stones to orchestrate headhunting activities for the city's best and brightest. With spies, shakedowns, and extra taxes and tariffs in their areas, they work to subvert the local economy and steal profits. They are able to operate with the support of barristers that push the legal protections of unionized labor and business goals. Their leader, a human male named Wilson, seems to be the best lawyer in the land and a bruiser to boot.
The second is known as the "Widow Group" and seems to work on the west side of the city, although their actual dwellings are all through the extensive gnome-built sewer system under the city. They are assassins and fences, as well as information-brokers. They work solely for profit, but they are also linked to some of the founders of the settlement from centuries ago, which leads them to supporting the success of the city at all costs. They work with the King as well as anyone with the coin to contract them. Unfortunately, they were recently employed by an evil wizard that immediately caused havoc in their ward. Due to the contract and payment, the organization wasn't able to solve the problem on their own. Their leader is a master assassin that sheds their identity when they take the mantle, becoming only known as "the Widow". The members dress in all black clothing with purple armbands showing the symbol of the spider on it. Higher-ranking operatives will often have the tattoo on their wrist as they are expected to perform their arts in public. Their trademark weapon is the assassins blade or crossbow bolt coated in spider poison.
The culture
Twain takes pride in two things- business contracts and literature. Every citizen is required to write and read common and there are private libraries in almost all of the nobles' homes. Businesses are run by merchants that understand the importance of contracts and barristers are part of the city guard just for this purpose. King Twain is himself a prolific author and writes poetry and prose of utopian societies, and his court is required to be versed in philosophy, history, and the religions they will meet.
Otherwise, everyday life is just as any other city- merchants and dock-workers bustling among market and craftsmen. The nobles, often traced back in the history of the city but also well-to-do merchants, live on the eastern side of the city and along the coast. When the dragonlord attacked, most of the nobles chartered boats across the lake and returned east as their properties in Twain were destroyed. The citizens and peasantry occupy the west side of the city and are accustomed to the rough-and-tumble world of the lower class. The rebellion and subsequent dragon attack affected their areas, but most had nowhere to go and simply hid in the sewers. After, everyday life returned to normal for most people, even with some discontent.
There is a massive amount of respect for the military. Underpinning the entire history of the city is a hatred of orcs. The beasts from the north slaughtered everything they came across and this city was created with the blood and relatives of those that finally defeated the orcs and saved humanity. All citizens are taught of constant threat, even if there hasn't been a major orc attack in over a century. Because of this, the army and navy are never lacking for recruits. King Twain taxes all citizens, but pays his militaries well and benefits everyone in the city for it. This includes activities such as parades, circuses, and carnivals. Pride in the Kingdom of Twain is unmatchable.
Important locations
-the Westwall the runs from the river south has only three towers and no gatehouse. The rebels were able to blow up the wall at the river and create a massive entry into the city
-Southwall is the wall that has the only gatehouse and way into the city. There is an open plain outside the gate and a massive market just on the inside. The gates are massive and thick, but there is a regular-sized door to the side of the gatehouse that allowed negotiations between the king's forces and the rebels.
-Naval Base, aka Black James Island
-Purple Docks (Merchants)
-Twelve Doxks (Black Market)
-Twain Castle
-Marine/Ranger Academy
-Temple of Our Lady of Healing
-First Market
-Magic Tower and Market
-Corner Market (Black Market)
-Auntie's Apothecary and Hospital
-Poor Richard's Market
-White Fence Saddle and Stable
-Oracle of Vice
-Noble's Green, aka Antebellum
-Tricksters' Row (Pubs, Taverns, Brothels)
-Safe Space Tavern
-Greer Suites (Taverns, Inns)
-Summer Stadium
Dramatis Personae
-King Clements V, aka King Twain
-The Widow