Thursday, January 30, 2025

The fire and toxin

   Again, the sounds of battle rang across the refinorium district as the Eschers happened across the territory.  Cawdor cultists still lurked nearby, nursing their wounds after a run in with the Silent Ones.  This led to a battle between the houses of Blade and Faith in the newly claimed Delaque territory.  

Cawdor Deployment
  The faithful were already familiar with the area, so knew the places they wanted to hide.  Coif took a retinue of melee fighters and Hauberk's autogun into the shadows of the overhead walkways, ready to be puppet-mastered towards the new enemy.  

  Blessed Baldryk took the high ground, seeking the Escher leaders to frag from his cover.  

  Finally, Caleb and Snood took their firearms to the perimeter, assuming the females would try to pull some cunning flank maneuvre...

Escher Deployment
  The Escher wanted to start by flanking the cultists with Tumala's chem-sprayer and Katy Kat's support, proving Caleb's assumption correct.  

  Murica, Brae, and Olina all deployed to the center to immediately spread for counter-attacks and support.  

  Menacingly, Jelena and Mikey both deployed as far foward as they could to bring their vicious melee weapons to bear.  Coincidentally, they were on the same path as Coif's slaughter-crew.  

Round 1
  The Escher took no time at all rushing foward to gain their positions.  Murica ordered Brae up to the 2nd level while see moved around to take cover while watching Coif order his entire mob of cultists forward toward's Jelena's position.  

  Her attention was torn when Snood moved up and took shots at Tumala but missed.  Tumala had ordered her and Katy-kat to move up for cover but had been seen.  

  Olina was incensed by the attack and emerged to shoot her autogun at Coif.  The cult leader ducked his head and his armor saved him from any damage.  With his leader down and the battle obviously began, Caleb strode up to Snood and added his shotgun blast to Tumala.  She was smart enough to hit the dirt and avoid being wounded.  As shots rang from both sides, Jelena and Mikey dashed forward behind a reactor to avoid being seen while Baldryk took his massive crossbow to the edge of the platform, hoping to catch one of the chicks in the open in future turns.  

  By the end of the turn, very little damage had been done and only two fighters were pinned.  The Cawdor took the opportunity to pray to the God-Emprah and gained his favor in droves!  It was time for some dangerous sermonizing in the next round...

Round 2
  The Cawdor seized the initiative and began screaming their holy words around.  Caleb, being a Redemptionist already, evangelized at Katy-kat, hoping her young mind wouldn't be able to handle it.  Unfortunately, she comes from a stubbornly vicious stock and resisted his prayer.  Not satisfied, Caleb stormed forward and unleashed his shotgun at the juve with a critical injury.  Tumala was unfazed at the loss of the teen near her and sprang to her feet to spray both Caleb and Snood.  With the poisonous cloud melting through Caleb's robes and causing a flesh wound, Tumala was even more satisfied when Snood fell into a halting coughing fit that resulted in his capture.

  Bolstered by their blessings, Coif ordered Hauberk forward to spray his autogun into Jelena, pinning her, while he sought cover from the coming counter-attack.  Right away, Jelena stood and leveled her bolter past Hauberk into Coif to take down the leader but missed completely.  She screamed in anger at Mikey to move up and help, and Murica joined from the rear.  After the smoke from both shooters cleared, Hauberk had taken a flesh wound from the plasma pistol's grazing hit and nothing else.  

  With anger, Elias screamed a prayer at Jelena (who laughed at the pitiful attempt of a male cultist speaking) and then charged with his chainglaive, knocking her out and standing over her prone form to finish his sermonizing.  

  While Mikey was not bothered by Jelena's fall, she was still distracted as Corvun slowly snuck up behind her.  Luckily, Olina was paying attention and was instantly full of grief as she watched her leader go down and emptied her magazine into Corvun, seriously injuring him.  

  Exercising the evil streak known in the Escher bloodline, Brae calmly walked across the walkway to look down at Hauberk's prone form and shoot him with her lasgun.  Easy targets make easy hits and she added another flesh wound to the bleeding fighter.

  With a last-ditch effort, using a Tactics card, Mikey was activated and eagerly strolled over to Corvun to coup-de-grace him.  The round ended with many models out of action and both sides suffering, but the Escher were especially emotional with the loss of their leader.  Olina, not able to control her grief, fled from the battle after emptying her magazine into the cultist.  Meanwhile, the Cawdor seemed uncaring as they each prayed on and continued their advance.  

Round 3
  As Mikey finished off Corvun, Elias suddenly emerged from the shadows and struck her down with his chainglaive.  The dishonorable attack created an enmity between her and the fanatics.  
  Murica burst out of cover to charge Hauberk and captured him.  Coif countercharged her and sunk his knife into her back, sending her into convalescence.  
  Caleb stook up, brushed off the poisonous liquid clinging to his burning form, and unleashed his one-shot exterminator into Tumala, setting her ablaze and sending her fleeing for the battlefield edge.  Brae was unaware as she tracked Blessed Baldryk to shoot and pin him, but he just stood and dashed for cover.  Brae and the burning Tumala were the only women left in the area and voluntary fled. 

  Brae was unaware as she tracked Blessed Baldryk to shoot and pin him, but he just stood and dashed for cover.  Brae and the burning Tumala were the only women left in the area and voluntary fled, sensing their rapid defeat.  

  It was a brutal battle that only last three rounds and resulted half of the participants going out of action.  These two gangs definitely hate each other, especially after the Cawdor had suffered a defeat and wanted to prove themselves.  Two of the cultists were captured and some Rescue missions will have to be planned.  Brutality all around.  

by Dominik Oedinger

  Another battle down and closer to the campaign!  As always- Happy Gaming!

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