Orlock challenge Goliath
They rolled for their scenario and it came up "Border Skirmish". Didn't we just play this last week? Yes!!! This is the 'common' scenario, almost always predicated with someone from one gang running their mouth to upset someone from another gang. With no regard for each others' lives (and certainly not even their own), a fight will break out.
Each gang was able to start with five fighters, and randomly found a ganger talking smack to another ganger.
Rocky is most certainly in a bad position if he's fighting Korg- that Renderizer is no joke! Unfortunately, his gang wasn't in position to win this battle and watched as his relic was about to be defiled. This may be a good time to retreat...
Delaque challenging Van Saar
When we rolled for our scenario, it came up "The Trap". The Van Saar could bring six and had to deploy most of them in the center of the battlefield (luckily, a team of two could be deployed anywhere), while the sneaky Delaque could bring six but made sure one of them was creeping around (that darned Nacht-ghul!). This scenario is an easy one- kill each other!
Everyone dashed into position and even took some shots, pinning fighters from each side. The Psy-gheist quickly climbed atop of the containers to face down Darkfinder and her escort with those long arms, but failed and ended up getting blasted and going out of action. Angry, the Delaque turned off the lights and activated their night vision for the next round. Now they would have 12" of visibility while the Van Saar would only get 6" for the rest of the battle. That's not good for a gang based around shooting...
Even with assistance from his buddy, the fighter went out of action. No experience for the helper and a roll on the chart for him...
But that's okay- a trusty las-weapon and some targets are all you need! Unfortunately, the Delaque pushed the momentum and continued to spread out to surround the techies while they were on the back foot. The Van Saar were losing their firepower and having to depend on up-close, and their luck couldn't hold for long.
Just when things were looking okay for the Van Saar, with shots pinning people and even a coup-de-grace on a snake or two- the Nacht-ghul shows up! Surrounded and still in the dark, the Van Saar were not feeling terribly confident.
At this point, the game ended and the Van Saar could claim a victory just based on taking the Nacht-ghul out. If it would have continued, it surely would have led to a defeat for the techies!
Happy Gaming!
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