My group played the Lord of the Rings SBG last week and now we're completely switching gears for next week. Rather than the hopeful journey through the open world, we'll dive into the dark confines of the underhive, trading our magical swords to brutal guns. Quite the shift...
Unfortunately, we haven't played Necromunda in forever around here and I am woefully behind on the projects for that (I know- big surprise.). Which means that now I need to add to the efforts. After quite a bit of digging through the garage, I finally found all the terrain I plan to use for this week. Having multiple 'settings' to choose from, I required an answer from the group and they settled on the 'manufactorum' style. So I pulled out the Sector Mechanicum terrain- all the promethium refineries and plasma transfer pipes framed with walkways and gantries you can imagine!

Doing a quick inventory, I have 3 total Promethium Refineries, two Pipeline/Conduit sets, a Haemotrope Reactor, a Plasma Regulator, and two sets of Galvanic Servo-haulers, half of which still needs to be built (much less primed and painted!). And just like the
LotR terrain, this is going to be a very fast project as I only have five days to complete it. I
think I'm one of those people that work better under pressure, but I really gotta stop testing it.
Weirdly, the start of that collection was from the Shadow War: Armageddon set. Which, while pulling it all out and noticing again, makes me wonder if I should translate this game into a Kill Team environment... Nah! I LOVE Necromunda and I think by buddies will too. Especially those that like the Fallout stuff...
As before, I'll post the progress through the week and even try to include some pics of the battles. I'm so excited! Have you introduced someone to the Underhive recently? Would you want to live there? Interesting to think about as that Goliath with the chainaxe is screaming right towards you...
As always, Happy Hobbying!
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