I don't play these games anymore, mostly because my LGS is full of uninspired hobbyists (most of them don't even paint their own armies!!!). But it doesn't take alot to get me back into the shop and rolling dice. New supplements always work. A renewed interest in an army works too. Cue 'Storm of Magic' and my revitalization project on my High Elves...
While playing Storm of Magic, you must bring 25% more in points just for monsters and magic items. You also get to set up additional pieces of terrain- all of which look amazing! Each player receives up to twice as many magic and dispel dice and wizards gain access to over-powered spells that can destroy entire units or summon random allies! Finally (as if that's not enough), monsters are covered!!
I wanna take this moment to speak to all my Dungeons & Dragons-playing friends:
The Storm of Magic book is a perfect 'Monsters Manual' for Warhammer. It makes that loony idea of 4E Warhammer RP so much more enticing. Just tossing that out there...
I have an Empire army with a Steam Tank. I have a WoC army with a Shaggoth. But above them all, suddenly, is my High Elves with their Griffon, couple of Dragons, Great Eagles galore, and more Mages than you can shake a wand at. Good rules in Warhammer and now a supplement for just that stuff?
Oh yeah. It is so on now; I am super pumped!
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