As promised, I'm gonna show off my assembly of the gunship. I had to scrimp and save every penny I could to get his craft, but I gotta admit, it was well worth it.
Now, as with all these hobby blogs, I gotta tell you what you would need if you were going to build this kit: A set of side cutters, a flat file, a hobby knife, and plastic glue. Really, that's it!
The first thing I had to do, and of course the first step in any model-assembly, was read the instructions. Below, you can see me doing just that. What that picture doesn't show you is that this is the THIRD time I've read these instructions. The first two times were on the toilet. I'm all about efficiency! :-)
Adding the landing pads and stabilizers, it finally begins to look like a vehicle!
Then the engines. I don't really like the way they look, but then I think I'm spoiled by the Valkryie's engines. Regardless, the engines are always my favorite part of any aircraft kit. I think that hearkens back to the days when I was going to be an Aerospace Engineer. Sadly, it was too much work (not to mention that I had no idea what it really meant to be an engineer- there's no drawing!!!), but I dig me some engines!
One of the ideas I considered for the weapons turret was using a Razorback turret instead. It took some shaving, as the mounting-hole was a tad too small, but I got it to fit. I figured this would tie the Stormraven more into the rest of the army as no other Space Marine anything has a manned weapons turret on it (at least not these days. Check out the old Whirlwinds and Razorbacks to see manned turrets). Unfortunately, after fitting it on, I realized that the turret was too tall and didn't quite fit the profile of the vehicle. It's still possible that I may go this way in the future, but not right now. I just didn't like the result.
And now, the Stormraven was built. What do you do with an aircraft model after you finishing assembling it? Well, fly it around the house, obviously!!!
Vroom! It made me think of the two Thunderhawks my staff had to paint many moons ago. I walked into the shop to find my red-shirts flying around with massive, $700 models. I was not happy, until I took one and 'vroomed' around the shop myself. Well played, staff. Well played. And this Stormraven, yeah, it's not too far off a Thunderhawk- which makes me wonder if I can get four kits and build one myself. Nope, because I'm too poor to get four kits, so there goes that idea. I guess I'll just have to keep flying my Stormraven around the house... :-)
Happy Hobbying!
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